Incident at Map-Grid 36-80
Incident at Map-Grid 36-80
| 20 December 1982 (USA)
Incident at Map-Grid 36-80 Trailers

Russian naval pilots risk death to help stop a American Submarine whose defective reactor threatens a nuclear meltdown.


What a waste of my time!!!

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In other words,this film is a surreal ride.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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This is the ONLY "russian" movie where american and russian military confront. NOW - how many american movies feature killing of bloody russians by valiant GIs? Every 2nd "action" - but just Ramboe's adventures would suffice

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The movie is really "bad", in jokes-are-over style, and is comparable to the "Sole cruise" (Odinochnoe plavanie). The movie core is a die-but-do (Americans say "do-or-die") every-second-costs-life situation. American military sub being on cruise missile launch drills in the outer sea suffers a severe pile malfunction which leads to uncontrolled launch of two nuclear cruise missiles aimed at the USSR mainland. Well, quite a bold premise for the plot, but still tolerable, if to remember historical USAF loosing nukes. Sub's mechanic receives a LD of radiation, goes berserk, and sends mayday despite of commander's no. The mayday is received by Soviet Red Army. An immediate phone talk between Soviet and US commanders ensues. Soviets send a repair crew to the sub, an action that takes a feat of long-range aviation crew, that nearly costs them life. Americans play a double-face game, officially not rejecting help, but in reality trying to deny to Russians the access to the sub by any means. What is an excusable behavior for the military, but greatly overdone, as if a repair crew can steal some secret of the sub's construction or the US crew's Sunday menu or I don't know what. May be they simply don't want to let guests in the sub because they have mess and dust in their living rooms, you know, empty coca cola cans full of stubs lying everywhere around , and no time to clean the rooms. Anyway Americans are very very uncooperative and prefer to lock horns with Russians on every single instance. While the whole thing smells of WWIII. The movie displays lots of Russian and American tech, more Russian, and most important, in action, controlled by very persuasive die-but-do characters on both sides. The movie features a certain research of the psychology of the characters.

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Toward the end of the Cold War period, a spate of Soviet Russian books, and some films as well, were exported to the United States, as an attempt to make the Russian Communist system of government increasingly accessible to Americans, and this affair is one of the better products of the time, a wide screen item that was very well-received within the U.S.S.R. during 1982, as over 33 million people viewed it there. Its popularity, despite few plot surprises, and a dearth of convincing characters, is derived from the work's blend of quotidian military life with an extensive display of the latest Soviet armed forces technology, all intensified by serviceable direction and playing. The film opens with Soviet military personnel parting from their families as they leave for a routine training mission that promises little action, followed by scenes of the men's wives discussing the career directions of their husbands, who are assigned to a combination naval air/sea squadron, Soon after embarkation, the squadron flagship receives a radioed distress message from an American nuclear powered submarine and responds by deploying a squadron salvage plane as an offer of assistance to the submarine's location. The U.S. sub is holding a guilty secret: a nuclear payload consisting of numerous cruise-type missiles directed at the U.S.S.R., and the salvage plane crew is prevented by force of arms from boarding the vessel, as ordered by the submarine commander. This worthy, in response to an inquiry from the Soviet admiral, discloses that a computer malfunction has resulted in an unplanned launching of two missiles targeted at the U.S.S.R. mainland, a disastrous event that will undoubtedly be the cause of World War III. The computer breakdown was directly caused by an American submariner who, while attempting to repair the craft's mechanical problem, was exposed to an excessive dosage of radiation, ostensibly losing his mind as a result, and purposefully sabotaging the sub's control system, thereby requiring that an emergency command decision be made by the opposing skippers, one that we will expect to favour a course in line with the production's established Soviet bias, while being simultaneously acceptable to the Americans. Director of photography Boris Bondarenko creates each of his compositions for this military melodrama with skill while director Mikhail Tumanishvili devises action episodes that advance a mood of suspense for a viewer, particularly those scenes that depict aircraft maneuvering as the rescue attempt is imminent. The film's audio track is in Russian, with English subtitles, and a Slavic viewer who is paying heed will perceive that some Baltic nation dialects are also employed. When speaking in English (dubbed), subtitles of that language are used as well, due to utilization of a Russian language voice-over that is distracting until one learns to accept this systemization. It shall be noted that, although the picture's theme is of a U.S.S.R. naval squadron going to the aid of a crippled United States submarine, the film's primary plot elements deal with the squadron's air support arm. This is decidedly a Soviet coloured late stage Cold War propagandistic piece, with a slightly muddled narrative, yet viewer interest will be heightened through the production's development of suspense that predominates over its cardinal motif. On display is the magnanimity of the Soviets as opposed to U.S. authoritarianism, a turning of the coin from American films of the same era and genre.

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