Inbound. A new dream.
Inbound. A new dream.
| 01 January 0001 (USA)
Inbound. A new dream. Trailers

henry lived in a strange, strange world. it had never occured to him how indeed strange this world was, but that it is. Henry had used to be a school bus driver until the childrenzs cruelty had hurled him off the edge. Henry was a considerably good man.henry lived in a strange, strange world. it had never occured to him how indeed strange this world was, but that it is. Henry had used to be a school bus driver until the childrenzs cruelty had hurled him off the edge. Henry was a considerably good man.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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