In Search of Lovecraft
In Search of Lovecraft
| 04 October 2008 (USA)
In Search of Lovecraft Trailers

While shooting a Halloween news story on horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, reporter Rebecca Marsh discovers that the "fiction" Lovecraft wrote is actually true and the creatures and cults described in his writings really exist.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Michael Ledo

Rebecca Marsh (Renee Sweet) is a reporter assigned a Halloween fluff piece. She asks people about HP Lovecraft and ends up investigating a cult.Much of the movie is found footage. It was amateur, The script and acting was bad. In one scene the car is shaking. The people are rocking back and forth. The shaking stops and we can still see Rebecca's head moving back and forth. Amber (Denise Amrikhas) had the best lines and provided some humor to this drab film. Renee appears to have learned acting from watching Bambi Woods' films with her deer-in-the-headlight stare and inability to read lines. Take a pass.I am certain Lovecraft would be rolling over in his grave, if he is still there.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. No hot redhead that is on the cover either.

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I have read everything ever written by Lovecraft including fragments and collaborations with other authors. It is sad that given the state of the art effects available today that no major studio can make a quality adaptation of any of Lovecraft's major works. Those that have been made thus far are either pure camp or pure crap. This film falls into the latter category. The acting is elementary school level because I have seen far better acting at high school productions. The plot borrows loosely from Lovecraft's "The Haunter of the Dark" by mentioning the tetrahedron stone and the Starry Wisdom Sect. Lovecraft's most important works always were set in New England with a few notable exceptions such as "The Horror At Red Hook". To film this story in San Francisco is to rob it of any chance of atmosphere. If you want to see a scary and suspenseful Lovecraft adaptation watch "The Dreams in The Witch House" which was an episode of "The Masters of Horror" television series. I believe it is available on Netflix for streaming. By the way, I gave this 2 stars instead of none because the Halloween interviews conducted by the reporter in the beginning of the film were somewhat amusing

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I love Lovecraft and I love low-budget, indie, B-movies. Normally if a movie has a low rating on IMDb it is my kind of movie. I hate giving movies a bad review.However, when I put this DVD into my DVD player, the poor machine threw up. It is just that bad. The "acting" (and I use that term loosely) is beyond amateurish and is very painful to watch. I have had root canals at the dentist that were less painful.The film earns a 1/10 stars because the title sequence was kinda cool, and, as is mentioned elsewhere, the flashback scenes were passable. Otherwise, this stinker is to be avoided at all costs. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

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I found this one while cruising deep into the Netflix Horror offerings.Nope-- no glossy Hollywood production values. The special FXs are strictly small studio and the acting can be a little flat at times. . .but I did not cancel the movie and move on to something else. And many a time, I backtracked the video to look at a scene again and again.Like the storyline says, a go-getter News Reporter and her crew, out to make her name is saddled with what she thinks is a stupid, seasonal Halloween 'fluff' piece about Lovecraft. . .until she stumbles into the real secret occult conspiracy.Now you do have to be a Lovecraft Fan to willingly be taken into the story-- mainly because we all have READ the stories, but are really keen for any flick that dares to see the dread Mythos VISUALIZED on the screen. Yet at the same time, Lovecraft horror is NOT about SEEING the Evil, but the narrow dark hope of escape from something you NEVER quite see clearly.This movie makes a good attempt at keeping the story away from the pure Monster/Ichor/blood splatter creature showcase and focusing on the steadily deepening realization of the reporter and her friends that they have stepped into a dark conspiracy that will swallow them without a trace. How do they Escape? DO They escape? Give this show a little grace and leniency and just settle in for the ride. This is a nice late Saturday night flick for AFTER midnight just before you go to bed.Oh-- and yes, the annoying intern is gonna GET IT!

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