I'm for the Hippopotamus
I'm for the Hippopotamus
PG-13 | 30 November 1979 (USA)
I'm for the Hippopotamus Trailers

In Africa, Slim and Tom don't like it when a German tyrant starts selling all of the African wildlife to Canadian zoos. Slim and Tom must teach this guy a lesson by beating the hell out of him and his gang.


A different way of telling a story

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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I'M FOR THE HIPPOPOTAMUS takes the usual Terence Hill/Bud Spencer western template and transports it to Africa for some exotic fun. The resulting concoction isn't one of the all-time best from the Italian comic duo, but it's still a thoroughly entertaining movie that focuses on big laughs and big spectacle to good effect.Hill and Spencer play the usual ne'er-do-wells who come up against some German villains, including a boxing champion. The characters are involved in a secret plot to smuggle some of Africa's wildlife to a zoo abroad, and our heroes must team up to stop them. Gentle laughs and funny action scenes abound; the action is never better than when Spencer steps into the fray to bash a few heads together or hammer his opponents into the ground.

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Whilst it is difficult to ascertain which is the greatest Spencer / Hill film - it could arguably be this or He Who Finds A Friend Finds A Treasure - by some distance this is the greatest cinematic performance to date from the legendary Joe Bugner.Whilst still a heavyweight boxer, and lest we forget a contender for the world title, Bugner somehow managed to find the time to perform in films such as this. Does he make the the transition with success? Oh yes, certainly. It turns out that Bugner is an exceptional actor; what a shame his talents have not been used in too many other films.Fans of Spencer and Hill will no doubt have seen this film already, but for anyone out there looking for more Joe Bugner than they have already seen then this is the film for you.

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The Hill & Spencer movies were never famous for their brilliant stories, but this one doesn't even make an effort. Plotless, slow-paced, boring and only occasionally amusing, it feels like a film that was made out of obligation, rather than like something that the stars and the filmmakers put their hearts in. At least with its animal-friendly messages you could say it's good for kids, but no - they'll be as bored with it as anyone else. (**)

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"I'm for the Hippopotamus" is a good movie! It maybe hard for non Terence and Bud fans to like it, but its damn funny! Its about Slim and Tom having to stop a german tyrant called Jack Ormond from sending half the african wildlife to the Toronto Zoo in Ontario, Canada. It doesnt sound like much of a plot but there are some priceless scenes here, like the fights, the pawn shop "robbery", escaping from jail with a bulldozer, Silm drinks caviar mixed with butter,salt, pepper, and champagne. The whole casino bit! That was good! Joe Bugner's performance as Ormond was better than expected! IT'S A MUST FOR TERENCE AND BUD FANS LIKE MYSELF! My vote, 9/10. >

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