I'm Dangerous Tonight
I'm Dangerous Tonight
R | 08 August 1990 (USA)
I'm Dangerous Tonight Trailers

An ancient Aztec cloth with a curse accidentally finds its way into the possession of a young woman. She decides to make a dress from the cloth. Whoever wears this cloth/dress comes under its spell; all inhibitions and moral responsibilities are lost.


Dreadfully Boring

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Am I Missing Something?

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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Lee Eisenberg

Known mainly for "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Poltergeist", Tobe Hooper also directed this TV movie about an Aztec cloak that brings out the wearer's evil side. Kinda far-fetched, but it's pretty entertaining.However, there is something REALLY surprising about "I'm Dangerous Tonight". It co-stars Anthony Perkins (aka Norman Bates in "Psycho"), Natalie Schafer (aka Lovey Howell on "Gilligan's Island"), R. Lee Ermey (aka Sgt. Hartman in "Full Metal Jacket") and Dee Wallace-Stone (aka the mom in "E.T."). Yes, this absurd horror flick has a man who worked with Alfred Hitchcock, a man who worked with Stanley Kubrick, and a woman who worked with Steven Spielberg. As for the other co-star, Mrs. Howell plays the infirm grandmother, and looks how Norman Bates's mother must've looked...while co-starring WITH Norman Bates (along with Sgt. Hartman and E.T.'s mom)! Double brain freeze! Anyway, the rest of the movie didn't really catch my attention. Mädchen Amick and Corey Parker are OK, but the mind-blowing supporting cast was what really caught my eye. My possible final statements are: *So yes, a boy's best friend IS his mother.*In conclusion, this ain't no three-hour tour! *So yes, what IS your major malfunction? *In conclusion, E.T. ain't phoning home!

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I'm Dangerous Tonight is a functional piece of entertainment. Being a made for TV movie it is kind of bland and toothless. The blurb on the back on the case made me think it would primarily involve the Madchen Amick possessed by the evil dress for the course of the movie, sort of slowly turning her evil, kind of like Christine but with a dress instead of car. It doesn't quite work like that with the dress being worn or possessed by various different people throughout the film and turning evil to varying extents. The central premise of a dress, or a cloth that eventually gets turned into a dress, that turns those who wear it evil is one of those silly concepts that could provide cheesy entertainment and would require some really good scripting to work as a genuinely good film. I'm Dangerous Tonight does kind of try but ultimately does not succeed. There is some claptrap that is never really explored about inanimate objects being mystical focuses of belief and power, which is thrown in as an explanation for the Aztec cloak/dresses' power, which is quite forgettable. It does seem an enormous coincidence that the girl who comes into possession of the dress (No pun intended) just happens to be studying this very esoteric and specialised topic as part of her college course. There is also some stuff about the dress affecting different people in different ways, depending of their existing strength of character and their psychology etc. It isn't delved into very much, other than as an explanation as to why some people seem to turn more evil than others, but it is a fairly interesting plot idea. As it is the concept of a random object or artifact which turns people around it evil or makes weird stuff happen has been done a few times by now- I'm looking in your direction Amityville sequels.What we do get on screen is okay but nothing to write home about. Tobe 'One Trick Pony' Hooper rattles through the proceedings with a predictable lack of flair. Madchen Amick is easy to watch, especially in the red dress, and Anthony Perkins provides the best entertainment in the movie with his giggle inducing scenery chewing. His histrionics and overacting are b-movie gold. By this point in this sad and sagging career it looks like he was just having fun. R. Lee Ermey has a small but amusing role as a gruff detective. There are quite a few plot contrivances and some scenes toward the end which are very choppily handled. There is one part where our heroine wakes up after being rendered unconscious to find the situation has changed in a way that doesn't make in sense in terms of plot logic or pacing. There is also a lame twist ending that everyone will see coming from miles away.Bland, as one would expect for a made for TV movie but there is enough to at least hold your interest.

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Tobe Hooper is one of my favorite filmmakers. Even though his track record of churning out great movies is definitely uneven, there's always something about his films, good or bad, that I like. The quirkiness of his characters, the wild situations, or his style of direction. Unfortunately, I'M DANGEROUS TONIGHT has NONE of these Tobe Hooper qualities. It's totally bland and pretty much forgettable. And in my book, this, along with CROCODILE, is probably his worst movie ever. The idea for the story is great and had so much potential but once the fabric is turned into a dress, the story goes nowhere...fast. There's almost no violence in it. The only scene with any interesting action occurs when the woman freaks out and strangles her boyfriend.Anthony Perkins' character is totally useless. He was hired just so they can have his name on the video box. And the scenes with Natalie Schafer are very difficult to watch because it's so sad to see her in such a terrible state. Mädchen Amick is the only interesting actor in this unremarkable "horror" movie, but even her character is bland and wimpy.Even Tobe Hooper completists shouldn't bother watching this.

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Long have I been an Anthony Perkins fan, so I looked forward to seeing this movie when it came on the television in a recent horror-thon. I was left disappointed with his role, but intrigued by the writing and cinematography of the rest.Horror is typically a slice 'em and dice 'em film fest where the viewer doesn't care who lives and who dies as long as the movie ends. "I'm Dangerous Tonight" supplied little in the way of well-known talent, but show-cased some unknown actors that did fairly well despite small, insignificant roles.Dee Wallace Stone had great on-screen charisma in this movie as a woman possessed, proving once again that she is truly the queen of the low-grade horror films. Peter Brooks was mismatched in his role as self-centered football legend; he would have made a better Joker-wannabe in some "Batman" remake. Mädchen Amick, who lost a lot of brownie points when she broke into soft erotica a few years ago, is both innocent and refreshing in her role as Amy, and plays well off of her on-screen love Corey Parker, despite a script which is noticeably weak and shaky.The flaws with this movie remain mostly in the lack of real characterization, and cheap theatrics. A horror movie is supposed to be either so real it scares you to death, or so cheesy you can barely stop laughing. "I'm Dangerous Tonight" manages to fall short in both categories, merely leaving you scratching your head and going, "Huh?" The script bandies around some heavy terms, but doesn't bother to explain them properly, and it's easy to leave the viewers scrambling for a dictionary to figure out what is going on.All in all, the movie rates a 7 on a scale of "good movie VS. bad movie", but only 3 on the scale of "good horror VS. bad horror". Tobe Hooper has directed a number of excellent horrific films and shorts throughout the years, but "I'm Dangerous Tonight" (as well as the 1993 TV horror "Body Bags") is definitely not one of his better endeavors.

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