I'll Come Running
I'll Come Running
R | 08 January 2008 (USA)
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A young Danish man traveling through Texas hooks up with an Austin girl, and even though they're not planning to see each other again, tragic circumstances lead her to his doorstep in Denmark.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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In a movie I thought was going to be a reinterpretation of "After Sunrise," a turn of events puts this indie feature into a new orbit. When a young man decides to stay in Austin while his Danish friends return home, he's placed in a strange culture. Luckily, a friendly waitress brings him home and they share a few enchanting, albeit cinematically forced days together.Later, through a dramatic plot twist, the waitress finds herself in Denmark is a similarly strange culture. However, it's even more difficult because she doesn't know the language.I was pleasantly surprised that the pacing matched the mood of the events. Slow and steadily you begin to sense that this is more about finding your place in the world than any singular event.Kudos to have the guts make a non traditional, yet satisfying indie feature.

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but this film does NOT deserve anything less than an 8.0 rating... and just PLEASE take my word for it...i KNOW about storytelling. but i WILL say THIS...it took me by surprise... and then kept getting better, though the end is a bit wobbly. hence, the 8.0 rating. there were times in the movie when i felt it was going to derail... or that it had suddenly gone in the direction i was expecting it to go from the beginning...sophomoric. but i quickly began to wonder if the writer was just toying with me in that particular scene... silently saying, 'this is the type of garbage i COULD've made'. and there couldn't've been much of a budget for this movie. didn't hurt the movie one bit... i don't know much about the writer, though i think he directed, as well. i will DEFinitely be on the lookout for their future work, though...

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Victor Massad

This is a very insightful film about impetuousness, sex, and the unique ability that sex has to cause people to mistake it for love, a phenomenon especially prevalent among the young.The film centers on a slightly-naifish Texas waitress who hooks up with a cynical but lovable Danish tourist. They satisfy the powerful sexual energy between them over a few days, and then a plot twist turns the girl's world upside down. As a result, the waitress makes a series of improbable and extremely irresponsible decisions that lead her on a journey to Denmark. As often happens, the bad decision making just keeps compounding and, by the end, the entire affair turns into a monumental train wreck.When I say "improbable" I include a few plot twists that are not really plausible in terms of the time line. But no matter. The characters are likable and the story compelling, so maybe viewers will not notice until they think about the movie afterwords.The movie works because the waitress is transformed by the experience and finally becomes able to sort out the differences between passionate sexual attraction and real love, which can only be conferred through a lasting relationship. In the last minute of the movie, the waitress makes her first good, responsible decision in the entire film, and that makes the journey worth the investment.

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This film is an unexpected journey into a seemingly cliché world, which is quickly swapped for a surreal environment. First, the cast in this movie is overall very good, and they are not over-acting or somehow embellishing. Second, the plot of this movie is what makes it really stand out as opposed to other indie films.Without giving too much away, I would describe this film as "garden state like" with less banality. The dialogue is reasonable, and fits in with the loose and realistic atmosphere of the film. If you're looking for a drama that is both painful and uplifting, you should look no further. However, there are some minor plot flaws and bad acting, but this shouldn't scare you away; this movie is a must see for any fans of true love stories.

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