| 19 January 2008 (USA)
I.O.U.S.A. Trailers

With the country's debt growing out of control, Americans by and large are unaware of the looming financial crisis. This documentary examines several of the ways America can get its economy back on the right track. In addition to looking at the federal deficit and trade deficit, the film also closely explores the challenges of funding national entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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I.O.U.S.A. (the DVD - released on April 7, 2009) This PBS Documentary, discusses the four areas of deficit facing the U.S.1. The Deficit of the Budget 2. The Deficit of Trade 3. The Deficit of Saving 4. The Deficit of Leadership It well documents how we got into this mess, and very succinctly, states what every one already knows: "There is NO free lunch!" A must see for any Taxpayer.It aptly discusses the crises of leadership provided during the Bush administration, and the doubling of the national debt.Can we afford to mortgage future generations? Can we afford to mortgage our own? Very scary. Reuters said it best: "May be to the U.S. economy what 'An Inconvenient Truth' was to the environment."Rated 5 stars.

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This movie is not for policy wonks, economists, or accountants. It's for citizens of the United States - Highly Patriotic citizens who want to preserve their country.It spells out in superb graphics what we're up against financially. The film has a great pace, lots of color, and combines all sorts of mediums to make an excellent presentation of the information.The message is dark, but brutally honest. And there is yet hope, so I encourage you to see the movie to find out what it is.I am absolutely convinced if the electorate saw and understood these issues, we would be willing to make the hard choices quite gladly, and reward politicians who were clear, transparent and honest, and send packing those who's egos and greed keep them in Washington.What ever happened to civil service as a moral ideal?

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In the blurb for this film they describe it as discussing the problems and solutions. I saw very accurate portrayal of the problems we face, but must have missed the talk of solutions. I would agree that this film is important and non-partisan. However, I did notice some elements missing in their equation for disaster, and what I interpret a subtle bias towards privatization. While they are critical of Americans for spending beyond their means, there is really no mention of the outsourcing of labor and the effect of falling wages as our economy becomes Walmartized. Nor was there any mention of the insane cost of private health care and the effect that has on average families. How can one criticize Americans for not saving without covering ALL the economic factors at play?I also feel the film is rather flippant with the effect of corporate tax cuts on the overall economy and, while they factored in Iraq, they did not include the peripheral cost of the war. Due to these omissions and what I see as a bias towards privatization, I only gave it a 7.So while I believe this is an crucial discussion and informative film, I think there is something missing. And why they would choose to feature Greenspan is beyond me.

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Peter Knox

Saw this movie last night and it's something I could call mandatory viewing for everyone - for those in power making the tough decisions and for those affected that need to understand them. It's a chilling doc only because the situation is so real, and my generation will be greatly affected by our government's fiscal irresponsibility and spending today.The movie itself, while not as sexy or explosive as some documentary topics, was well done, in my view. I appreciated the Econ 101 premise, with engaging charts, easy to understand fables, and relevant interview bites. This topic is bigger and more important than an 85 minute documentary and I felt they captured the urgency of this dire situation. Unless action is taken now we might not be able to dig out selves out in a few years.Can't wait until the DVD comes out in October when I can make my friends watch, but even more so I'm looking forward to the book, which comes out September 29th ( http://www.amazon.com/I-O-U-S-Addison-Wiggin/dp/0470222778/ ). Wiggin's Demise of the Dollar was the catalyst for IOUSA, and I'm really interested in seeing the full and complete interviews of everyone involved in the movie, collected in the book.

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