I Am Wrath
I Am Wrath
R | 13 May 2016 (USA)
I Am Wrath Trailers

A man is out for justice after a group of corrupt police officers are unable to catch his wife's killer.


Nice effects though.

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Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

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brilliant actors, brilliant editing

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Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

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Phil Chappell

Man, if your up for an old school revenge movie then this is it. The best part of this movie is the partnership between Stan (Travolta) and Dennis (Meloni). The banter between the two is just spot on and hilarious. As the movie goes on it really feels like these two have a past and are syncing back up into their old ways. Stan tries to keep Dennis out of it at first but, when Dennis keeps pushing Stan let's him in on the mission and it feels organic. Of course there's some cheesy moments in this movie but, suprisingly there aren't as many as you would expect. Yes, you did expect some cheesy moments or your not too bright... the movie is called 'I Am Wrath' for heavens sake.If your looking for a movie to pass the time, expecting it to be worth watching but forgettable and then suddenly come out pleasantly surprised then check this out. I know I wasn't expecting too much from this movie and ended up loving it. Perfect ending too.My only problem with the movie is there's a clearly significant death around the end of the movie that has no emotional reaction from any characters at any point. I kept waiting to see a funeral or a freak out but it was like the person killed just didn't exist. It was strange.Well worth the watch.

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I understand that when an "A" list Hollywood actor like John Travolta gets to be the age he's currently at, the amount of high quality roles being offered to these actors goes down sharply. Still, I feel that Travolta could have found a better movie project than "I Am Wrath". While Travolta does a better job than some other former "A" list actors his age or older (like Steven Seagal) would have done in his role, all the same he is terribly miscast. Travolta can act, but he has a "nice" demeanor that doesn't fit a character who is a former black ops agent. A bigger problem, however, is how predictable the script is. You'll be able to guess in the first ten or so minutes what the so-called "big surprise" is that will eventually be revealed. Despite the miscasting and the predictable script, the movie might have worked with expert action sequences, but director Chuck Russell can't make these sequences anything better than routine. The only really good thing about the movie is the casting of Christopher Meloni as Travolta's buddy; Meloni gives his scenes some well-need spark and life, helping the movie to become (barely) endurable... though don't take that as a recommendation.

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I Am Wrath was just barely competent to watch. The opening mugging/murder scene had some of the worst continuity mistakes I've seen in a Hollywood blockbuster. While the cast was competent, the casting was stereotypical black/Latino bad guys and white "highly trained" good guys. I cringed at some of the lines. I imagine the script must have had many hands on it and many rewrites. John Travolta puts in an average performance, but the lightweight script and lackluster directing leave him out on a limb with this performance. And we are supposed to believe that Travolta at 62 years of age is a ball-busting tough guy? Originally Nick Cage was cast to play the lead, perhaps he's become wise enough to sniff out a stinker. At least his age would not have been so damning as it is for Travolta.Speaking of tough guys, Christopher Meloni turned in an affable performance providing support and a touch of one-liner comedy. Alas it's difficult to believe he gets whacked in the shins by a baseball bat and the bat loses. In real life the bat would not break and he wouldn't have been able to walk for at least a week. His performance was the only bright spot in a movie that never hinted at being a buddy action-comedy but becomes one anyway. John Wick this movie is not.The movie's biggest sin was its predictability. You knew right from the beginning why the wife was killed, who ordered the hit, and why the corrupt cops could do nothing about it. Then every step of the way you knew what Travolta's character was going to do, and never did we think that he wouldn't get away with it right up to the unsatisfying ending (gee, no surprises when the bullet proof vest is revealed early in the film).I Am Wrath had no mystery, no discovery, and quite often no explanation. This would be exhibit 1A as to how Hollywood ruins movies.

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Let's not waste time here....Terrible direction, the actors don't appear to all be on the same page. The director also appears not to understand the elements of an action film: urgency! None to be found.The lighting is hideous to say the least, as a long time resident of Columbus, Ohio I would like to say Columbus has some of the most uninspired skyline and atmospheric shots. Travolta and Merloni are good, but it's hard to make a garbage script into a great film. Din't bother to watch past the first 40 minutes. I was falling asleep. And oh, what's with all the unmotivated slow motion shots? Not even worth the price of a DVD rental.

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