I Am a Sex Addict
I Am a Sex Addict
| 14 October 2005 (USA)
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Just moments before his third wedding, Zahedi relates with utter sincerity and astonishing candor his obsession with prostitutes. He retraces his romantic and sexual history, including his ideological commitment to open relationships, that led to two disastrous marriages and several very pissed off ex-girlfriends.



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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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A fascinating watch as we see one man use film making as a kind of therapy. This has probably been done before, but never so openly. We follow Zahedi as he bluntly discusses his addiction to sex and prostitutes. Zahedi is an honest and endearing man. His naivety translates well into both comedy and genuine emotion. The constant breaking of the forth wall and laying out facts about the film's production, as well as his story, make this sometimes jumbled, but always enjoyable. I got a real feel for Zahedi, but this film doesn't wallow in self pity or excuse his actions. It's low budget helps Zahedi create some wonderful little quirks.

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The thing that I believe people are missing here is that this isn't a movie, it's a documentary in which some scenes are recreated, it's his true story. Caveh is a human with extreme flaws and whether you love him or hate him: he is real. he has true thoughts, he bluntly states these thoughts which often turns out to complicate virtually everything, yes, some things are repetitive, but this is life! life is repetitive. every person has moments if you look back and see the mistakes you made and so does he. judging by other comments it's like people are watching this expecting there to be an obvious course in the plot, but there isn't in life or in this movie. the raw emotion that he expresses is about his sex addiction, he is merely stating how he felt at the time. he wants to convey this addiction and he does so in an open and though provoking way. i just feel as though everyone was expecting this to be like every other movie, but it's not off of a script, it's real life.

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Yes movie nuts that's what the title should have been: I'm a Kid that Can't Grow Up.At first I was impressed by his insight into his sexual needs. And his wanting-to-have-a-girlfriend-he-can-be-honest-with sounds like it's progress. (He doesn't want to hide his urges.) But he repeats the cycle with three new girlfriends and you see that he's not learning. He's just thinking up naughty and then giving in. It's really about hooking someone else into watching his drama. I finally caught on when, with the third girl, he freelances all night, then comes home to Christa and kisses her and says he wants to try to kick the habit. That's his whole problem. He doesn't want to kick anything or anybody except whomever is his lover of the moment. It gets boring when you see he's going nowhere and he succeeds again in alienating yet another woman who started out being understanding. No that's not enough for this guy. It's "Come watch me," then "Help me quit," then it's "Don't you go out and do this stuff because I'll get jealous." Enough. I could not finish watching the thing. This film is a lot like Henry Jaglom's films. They're all about Jaglom.I gave it more than one star because his story sounded worth hearing for about a half hour.

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The Holy Moment- Caveh Zahedi's Quest For Truth In Cinema.Although it has a lurid title that invokes B movies of the 1950's, "I Am A Sex Addict" is an original work of art that will challenge your ideas of films, reality, and the nature of relationships between a man and a woman. Caveh Zahedi is the director and star of this de-facto home movie, and to say he is a talented filmmaker would be an incomplete sentence. Zahedi is a performance artist, somebody who has the unique ability to flaunt his flaws with honesty and still be able to bond with his audience.My first exposure to the mind of Caveh Zahedi (like many others) came during Richard Linklater's animated "Waking Life" (which I consider one of the best films of this decade). Caveh discusses Andre Brazan's Theory of "The Holy Moment", in which since everything is God- film captures God in every frame. This sort of chatter could be dismissed as philosophical bullshit, but that scene (where at the conclusion the two characters attempt a holy moment and turn into clouds) always resonated with me. Pictures, film, and video have been in our lives since we were born, so we have demystified them. But when you think enough about how amazingly strange the process of "capturing moments" is then you can truly wrap your brain around what I Am A Sex Addict is trying to accomplish.The film (which is part documentary, part fiction, and with a dash of "reality TV" thrown in for good measure) opens up with Caveh in the rectory of a church beginning his confessional about his addiction to prostitutes. He is minutes away from being married (for real), and this decision to begin the story at this moment is one that will elicit groans of tastelessness and exploitation. But this is a perfect place to start the movie, since this joyful hope (what is more optimistic than a wedding?) of the present time makes us relax to what will follow.And the next hour and a half or so will force you to abandon all preconceived notions of truth, sex, and relationships. And more importantly- what it is that constitutes film-making. Because "I Am A Sex Addict" uses every tool of the trade- there's still pictures, old home movies, animation, reenactments of real life events, dear-diary-type confessions, and the behind-the-scenes footage of the frustration of trying to recreate what really happened.Is there a plot? Well, I suppose it is Caveh's search for a soul mate and his desire to rid himself of his prostitute addiction. Those two things are his goals, and they drive the film forward. I won't spoil what happens during this quixotic adventure, but I will say that Caveh travels the world and meets all kinds of interesting people (mostly whores but some really cool "regular" women) and the events are documented in an entertaining, comical, and honest manner."I Am A Sex Addict" is all about the obsessions and compulsions of its director/writer/actor, but it never dissolves into narcissism or solipsistic fare. How does Caveh accomplish this? First of all, the film was made with a light comic touch and never takes itself too seriously. Secondly it never devolves into sexual conquest bragging or even celebrates the idea of being a Don Juan-type character. And third, it is trying to be honest and real about sex- the scenes depicting the act might be blunt but they are never glorifying. If anything, when we see Caveh having an orgasm it only brings to mind the vulnerability and ridiculousness of how we are when we're naked and engaging in this passionate state.This film received a very limited release, and the only reason I even heard of it is because I read an article about Caveh Zahedi in the SF Weekly (he lives in San Francisco). I believe it played at The Roxie (a great theatre in The Mission where I last saw a Hal Hartley film), but I missed it. Fortunately "I Am A Sex Addict" is available on DVD and you can put it in your queue on Netflix. I recommend you do so at once. It will make you forget (for awhile at least) all the crappy and formulaic films that are released by the major studios every week.*This review and many others can be found on: http://amodelcommunity.blogspot.com/

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