Hysterical Blindness
Hysterical Blindness
| 16 January 2002 (USA)
Hysterical Blindness Trailers

Two friends lament their unhappy single lives while searching for Mr. Right in 1980s New Jersey.

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Maybe I've seen it seven times. And I'm a guy!!! This film is so full of perfect moments, it is like a pearl necklass; perfect in the aggregate and perfect in each of its little "gems".It is probably the greatest chick flick of all to have been seen by the least chicks ever. Three of the best actresses ever, whether you knew it or not, are combined in this film and they are poignant beyond belief. And Ben Gazzara is truly brilliant. Who, of my generation knew this guy was so good? I don't want to outline the plot. There is a plot. There is a plot in everyones life. All lives are interesting if your focus can be drawn to the good parts.If you are man who loves women, you will love this movie.

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For anyone who has ever been truly, painfully lonely and done really stupid things under the influence of alcohol just to gain a little affection and affirmation, this movie will be like looking in the mirror. I winced when Uma's character literally flung herself at a guy who is, like a recent book popular dating book says, is just not that into her. The pain on Uma's character's face is just too much to take sometimes. I've watched this film twice and even though the I knew what was going to happen, seeing it a second time was just as heart-wrenching and touching. Kudos to all the actors, especially Uma Thurman and Gena Rowlands. PLEASE see every Gena Rowlands movie ever made - you won't be disappointed. She is one of the finest actors of our time.

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An excellent and accurate portrayal of lower-middle class 20-something barflies in the 80s, desperate for affection and attention, and willing to do anything for it. Uma Thurman and Juliette Lewis are the quintessential trashy girls of the 80s. Uma Thurman plays "Deb", a self-centered secretary who doesn't want anyone to be happy unless she's happy, including her best friend "Beth" (also expertly played by Juliette Lewis) and her mother (Gena Rowlands). Tragically flawed with low self-esteem, she covers it up with fantasies of happily ever after, even fooling herself, while the more level-headed, but also flawed Beth tries to do her best to stay happy with her absent-fathered daughter and inject a little reality into Deb's world. If you were of age in rural or suburban 1980s, you must see this film.

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This adaptation of an off broadway play, about two friends living in New Jersey and looking for love in all the wrong places, features great acting by Juliet Lewis, Geena Rowlands, and Uma Thurman. Thurman, especially, is great and, alone, worth the price of admission (or rental). This is nother coup for HBO in producing meaningful indie films.

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