Hungarian Vagabond
Hungarian Vagabond
| 05 February 2004 (USA)
Hungarian Vagabond Trailers

A Hungarian historical movie that tells the story of the Hungarian ancestors, the seven leaders, who are looking for their new homeland in the last years of the 9th century. Before they leave their original home in Asia, they have a farewell party. They wake up with a severe hangover after consuming large quantities of kumis. The seven leaders wake up to find that their people have disappeared.


An Exercise In Nonsense

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It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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I'm sorry to say, but Hungarian cinema (especially comedies) nowadays is really bad. Always the same old "stars" play in the "blockbusters" telling really bad jokes, but still, have really high reputation here. Hungarian film-making had glorious times about 50 years earlier, but it is just struggling now. But, there were a few exceptions, highly enjoyable films, like Kontroll, Üvegtigris, and Gábor Herendi's previous film, Valami Amerika.I thought that he's standing in front of a promising career. Because of this very amusing picture, I had very high expectations about Magyar Vándor. But after seeing 10 minutes of the film, I started to feel disappointed. And it just got worse and worse. But the story is promising, most of us would have made an enjoyable film from this material. But not the "elite" of Hungarian film-making. Terrible jokes, each one of them is told about ten times, and the whole movie treats the viewer like a complete idiot. And this is what I really don't like. That film was a total waste of money. They should have donated the amount instead.

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This film is one of the post-communist era. The seven Hungarian tribe chiefs are about to start the conquest of the new homeland - just realizing that they not only have a hangover from last night's farewell party, but the tribes - the Hungarians - have already left. Looking for them becomes a quest in the hectic times of history... I loved the film, the music, the clips, the plots, the sophisticated self humour, the freshness, the originality, the easiness. Based on what all Hungarians learn in history lessons, imprinted in them, this is a new approach, a show, spiced with tiny bits that maybe you get for second watching only. First time that Hungarian filmmakers show that we don't always have to take ourselves so seriously. For Hungarians living abroad, this film is a drop of water in the desert, sunshine in the dark, cozy fireplace on the north pole, yes, somewhat nostalgic. For foreigners, probably impossible to explain everything, but the best way to get something about this nation. I warmly recommend to everyone.

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I went to see this one with little expectations. The director's previous movie was quite innovative, but lacked everything to make it good. It was slow, clumsy with needless and bad lines and of course (Hungarian movie!), not too good acting. After seeing a trailer and reading about this movie, I thought that it too would suffer from the same problems.But I was quite pleased. The movie indeed is too long and slow, with some of the dialogues pointless and badly written, but at least the storyline is enjoyable, and there are some realy good jokes (for Hungarians, don't expect to understand anything in this movie, if you're not Hungarian). Some of the characters are realy good (It seems that to have big actors for small roles can really help). It appears that the director got the hang of it during the making of the movie, because it starts out very awkward but gets better about the third way through.Although full of bits that are annoying because they could have been done better, this movie was worth the prise of the ticket. Nothing like Monty Python and the Holy Grail (although clearly influenced by it), but good for an otherwise pointless night.

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The idea of the film is pretty good. Placing historical characters into anachronistic situations offer many opportunities of great jokes. Also the director's previous film was quite good, and he had a great chance to create a great job. Had the money and many big names in the cast.Supposed to be a comedy, but it's just a pathetic struggling. Stolen jokes from great films adopted terribly and horrible musical scenes. It was the first case in my life when I left the cinema at the half of the movie.It does not even worth the time it took to see, not to mention the cost of the ticket.

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