How We Got Away with It
How We Got Away with It
| 24 March 2014 (USA)
How We Got Away with It Trailers

A young man and his friends react to a sudden, unexpected tragedy during their annual all-weekend summer party.


Undescribable Perfection

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Too much of everything

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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I cannot believe that it took me five months to watch this movie! I, like a few other reviewers, was initially nervous to watch it due to suspense and implied murder from the trailer. But instead, it was a well-crafted, well-acted, and extremely well-directed film. Very entertaining and engaging. My favorite part was at the beginning and I don't want to give too much a way. It was such an unexpected moment and well shot that I gasped out loud and had to rewind to make sure I had really seen what I thought I saw. I loved re-watching the movie to hear the director's comments. Jon you did a fantastic job! Also, this is a great example of a movie where the setting becomes one of the characters. That house, and that location is so integral to the plot and connects all the characters. My only regret is that I watched this movie by myself. It is definitely a movie to watch with someone else or a group of people as I feel it could have led to some amazing discussion with different viewpoints and opinions. Overall great movie to see! Do yourself a favor and watch it!!! Great job to everyone involved with this movie. Thanks!! Mr. Lindstrom, how soon do we get another one of your movies?

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This is a thoughtful movie made outside the studio 'system'.If you're not paying attention, it appears to be a movie about mostly 20-somethings getting together for an annual holiday, with an undercurrent of emo angst (minus the makeup and hair color).If you are paying attention, you'll pick up on the undercurrents but it won't come together until after things turn sideways.McCaleb Burnett's Henry hosts the group of long-time friends, but he's been distracted by recent events and seems to have an ulterior motive.Richard Bekins makes the most of his brief screen time to establish his character (Walter) as the heavy.The rest of the ensemble cast is so transparent that the group of friends is comprised of archetypes instead of the stereotypes you would see in a lesser movie.Who does what and why does get explained, but you'll still have to pay attention to know just how they got away with it.

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Predictable, annoying, confusing and disturbing movie. If you don't have anything better to do, watch it. Otherwise don't waste your precious time watching this movie. We stopped the movie about 5 times, because it was too much boredom for a person to take. The movie tries to create suspense, which only ends up in a total confusion. The meaning is vain in my humble opinion. Artistically, the movie had good shots, and it had some distracting pictures, but that's pretty much everything the movie can offer. But if you like watching a movie about people getting high, then this is your movie. In other words, the moral of the movie don't smoke weed or you will mess up everything. But the landscape of the movie is quite good.

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Jon Lindstrom is an actor you might have seen over the years. He's been on several soap operas and has appeared on several shows. However, he and the rest of the cast have relatively small resumes in the entertainment business. And, that is what makes How We Got Away With It such an unusual film. Although Lindstrom is far from a recognizable face for most viewers, here he not only directed his first full-length film with this movie but he acted in it as well. Equally surprising is that both leading men in the film, McCaleb Burnett and Jeff Barry wrote the script--along with Lindstrom! These are some multi-talented guys, that's for sure.The film begins with Henry (Burnett) getting out of jail. Only later do you learn why he was there in the first place—and the entire film is that way. Things occur, you have no idea why, and then later you learn, bit by bit, what exactly occurred. It's like watching someone assembling a puzzle. At first you may have no idea what's happening—but hold tight, as eventually the big picture will be revealed. Back to Henry….he's out of jail and his sister doesn't come to pick him up. Where is Sarah? Well, soon he learns why he had this long walk as he soon finds her body hanging in the house. You assume this is Sarah… but you aren't sure. And, Henry does not phone the police but hides the body in the basement!Soon a bunch of old friends arrive for a reunion at Henry's house. Could Henry have hidden the body just so the reunion could come off without a hitch? Probably not….and the WHY he did this is something you'll just have to put on hold.Later, Henry involves his friend Will (Barry) in his plot. You see them dragging Sarah's body from the basement and then you later see them burying a body in Lake Ontario….and you assume they are the same body. But are they? What's happened? Why is blood discovered on the shore the next day and what about Walter….where has he disappeared to? The film is just chock full of questions and answers are very slow in coming.Despite the answers coming so slowly, this is a very good film. Much of it is because the acting is very believable and you really feel as if you are sitting there at the house watching the reunion you first-hand. These don't look like actors, but people…real people. Additionally, the pace and style is very nice and clearly NOT like a typical Hollywood production. Slow, well-paced and actually quite pretty despite some ugly things that occur in the film. If you are wondering where all this takes place, it's Rochester, New York and the biggest thing that shocked me about this is that several of the characters went swimming and they didn't freeze to death!! Rochester and Lake Ontario are very cold…even in the summer!So is this worth your time? Of course. But if you want explosions, huge budgets, glitzy acting and all the trappings of the usual cinema fare, this film probably is not for you. If you want a thoughtful and well made indie, then you'd have a hard time doing much better than this one.

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