How the Telephone Talks
How the Telephone Talks
| 27 April 1919 (USA)
How the Telephone Talks Trailers

"All sounds travel in waves much the same as ripples in water." Educational film produced by Bray Studios New York, which was the dominant animation studio based in the United States in the years surrounding World War I.

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Besides running the first American movie cartoon factory, John Randolph Bray produced educational and industrial films; in fact, Jam Handy, which was a major producer of industrial films, particularly for General Motors' Chevrolet division, began as a branch of Bray's organization.Bray produced travelogues -- or perhaps simply put his name on them and passed them on to the distributors -- into the 1930s, long past the time when he had given up actual production of cartoons. Earlier, he produced a good line of educational films, like this one, which explains how a telephone works through a mixture of live action and animation. It's a good effort and pretty much agrees with what I was taught in class half a century ago when we took a telephone apart.

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