Holt Of The Secret Service
Holt Of The Secret Service
NR | 21 November 1941 (USA)
Holt Of The Secret Service Trailers

A murderous gang of counterfeiters has kidnapped the government's best engraver and is forcing him to print virtually undetectable phony money. The Secret Service's toughest agent, Jack Holt, and a female reporter go after the gang.


Highly Overrated But Still Good

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Don't Believe the Hype

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Al Westerfield

When they made this film, Jack Holt was 53 and Evelyn Brent 42. You might suspect they'd be a bit creaky. Anything but. This is the only serial I've seen where the leads are actually fine actors. As a result, their byplay, highly unusual in serials, is a breath of fresh air. Brent is just as tough as Holt and each does most of his/her own stunts. Not since films like The Hazards of Helen has the heroine been an equal partner of the hero, climbing rope ladders, socking bad guys with a gun, tied to a post while a real, large fire blazes behind her. She should be better known as a feminist icon. Brent and Holt run, climb, drive like maniacs and generally put persons 20 years younger to shame. If you can imagine putting your heart and soul into a piece of celluloid trash, this is it.That said, Holt and Brent are the only reason to see this film. It is quite cheaply made, despite that Columbia could have spent a little money dressing standing sets. Locations are used repeatedly when logic would presume the bad guys would choose new locations after the old ones were discovered by the good guys. The bad guy leads are disappointing, particularly the leader of the gang. Without the leads I'd give this mess three stars.

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John W Chance

This is a 15 chapter Columbia serial that is for Jack Holt fans (if there are any) and Evelyn Brent fans (I'm one) only.Jack Holt's famous granite jawed face (the model for both the cartoon strip character 'Dick Tracy' as well as Al Capp's 'Fearless Fosdick' in his strip 'Li'l Abner,') and ultra gruff voice with super tough guy dialogue to boot make him believable as a hard as nails Secret Service agent who can knock out four men at a time. Pretty good, considering he looks like he's in his fifties! Here he passes himself off as an ex-convict, Nick Farrel, so that he can infiltrate a gang of counterfeiters for almost the entire serial. While written by the usual gang of serial writing suspects (Basil Dickey, George Plympton and Wyndham Gittens), this one is not very interesting, has weak and uninteresting villains, and poor chapter ending cliffhangers.It's about possessing plates to make counterfeit money. Each writer must have done five chapters, since there are three major settings where the action takes place: the counterfeiters' hidden valley camp and mine, their gambling ship, and an uncharted tropical island. In his final film, badly cast John Ward plays the gang leader Adams; previously he was known for playing foppish Brits as he did as Mala's sidekick in 'Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island' (1936). In the island chapters, the blustery and loud voiced Stanley Blystone (veteran of over 500 mostly uncredited parts) has what is probably his biggest role as the island's villainous boss, Garrity. Too bad he wasn't in all of the serial! Tristram Coffin plays the chief henchman Valdin for ten chapters, but he isn't very tough, and is gullible easy prey for agent Holt. The interesting part of the serial is the casting of second billed costar Evelyn Brent as Kay Drew, a Secret Service agent from Chicago, who also doubles as Ferrel's 'wife,' a tough talking, gun toting moll. Brent made a career of playing tough talking ("My dogs are really barkin'!") or evil women. Her amazing portrayal of the prostitute Cherry Malotte in 'The Silver Horde' (1930) is better than Joan Crawford's Sadie Thompson in 'Rain' (1930). Kay and Farrel trade insults in front of the evil gang for several early chapters, where she holds her own against his ultra tough guy bravado. Except for their great scenes in the first five chapters, her toughness is underutilized in the rest of the serial.The back and forth nature of chasing after, possessing and repossessing the counterfeit plates puts the serial up fairly high on the tedium scale, especially given the weak nature of the villains and chapter endings.But it's a one of a kind serial because of Jack Holt's presence and delivery (both physical and verbal), and the interplay between him and Evelyn Brent. I'll give it a four.Note: Not to be missed is 'The Silver Horde' (1930), but also check out Evelyn in 'The Seventh Victim' (1943), and Jack Holt in 'The Arizona Ranger' (1948) with his son Tim Holt, and 'The Strawbery Roan' (1948) with Gene Autry.

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Serials were the staple of production for the middle tier studios. Columbia, Republic, Universal and the poverty row independents. Universal featured competent actors, well thought out plot lines and had the Flash Gordon franchise. Republic had the best in action, special visual effects and stunt-work. So what did that leave Columbia? Not much and they did not put much into this effort. Columbia was not called at that time "the Germ of the Ocean" for nothing and this serial is a perfect example.Fifthteen (15) chapters of drudgery and what for? To find some plates used in counterfeiting money. No super weapon to conquer the earth like in 'THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN MARVEL'. No super villain from outer space like 'MING THE MERCILESS'. No Nothing! There is not SeventyNine (79) minutes worth of plot here let alone 279 MINUTES! The featured players of Jack Holt and Evelyn Brent are particularly joyless and not very attractive. Holt's glory days were long over and Brent's were over by 1930.We can only recommend picking up this one (1) if you can find a copy for $02.00 or less. Better yet con one (1) of your friends or your library to get.

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"Holt of the Secret Service" should have been better than it was. It stars veteran action star Jack Holt in the lead role. Holt had been around in films since 1914, playing action heroes throughout the silent era. In the 1930s he became a highly respected character actor. It is therefore curious as to why he undertook the role of a dashing serial hero so late in his career. Maybe he wanted to return to his glory years.By 1941 Holt was well past his prime and simply is not convincing as the hero. Some of the situations in the serial are laughable. Holt (or at least the stunt men) takes on 3, 4 and 5 henchmen at one time in just about every one of the 15 chapters.The story centers around a set of counterfeit printers plates that keep changing hands between the good guys and the bad. Holt impersonates criminal Nick Farrel and is joined by Kay Drew (Evelyn Brent) who poses as his wife in an effort to infiltrate the gang.The story moves from prison where Holt befriends Crimp Evans (Joe McGunn) a member of the gang. Holt and Kay wind up at a canyon hideout where they meet Valden (Tristram Coffin) one of the gang's top henchmen. Holt tries to learn the identity of the leader of the gang through Valden.Next the trail leads to a gambling ship where we learn that gang's leader Arnold (John Ward) runs his operation. Arnold's no. 2 man Quist (Ted Adams) poses as the boss to mislead Holt and Kay. After a few chapters where the plates change hands back and forth the ship drops anchor off an isolated island where yet another gang led by Garrity (Stanley Blystone) with his henchmen Rankin (George Chesebro) and Dent (Stanley Price) run the show.Competition between Garrity and Arnold results with each trying to control the other and gain possession of the elusive plates. Needless to say Fearless Fosdick ...er Jack Holt saves the day in Chapter 15.It has been said that the square jawed comic strip detective Dick Tracy was based on Holt by cartoonist Chester Gould. Al Capp who drew the popular strip L'il Abner had a sub strip called Fearless Fosdick that was a takeoff on Dick Tracy and who looked an awful lot like Jacj Holt, complete with mustache's.This serial was weak in the casting of the criminal masterminds. John Ward as Arnold and Stanley Blystone as Garrity are awful. Surely, Columbia could have gotten better actors such as J.Carrol Naish or Henry Brandon, both whom were working in the genre at the time. Veterans Chesebro and Price spice up the story, but they don't appear until Chapter 11.And yes there's Holt's suit. It gets scuffed up and/or soaked in every chapter but never gets torn or cleaned. Evelyn Brent wears the same checkered suit throughout most of the serial as well. Eeeeeuuuuu!I don't think that this picture is one for which Jack Holt would want to be remembered.

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