Hold Anything
Hold Anything
| 01 October 1930 (USA)
Hold Anything Trailers

Bosko is a construction worker who impresses Honey by making music from everything in sight, including a decapitated mouse, a typewriter and a goat filled with hot air.


To me, this movie is perfection.

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Edgar Allan Pooh

. . . devoting a large part of this first Looney Tune (NOT including the free-lanced outsider pilot proposal) to vivisecting and digesting the House of Mouse's Rodent D'Etre. This vivid incident occurs during the first half of HOLD ANYTHING, during which high-rise construction worker and Warner Bros. Blue Collar Hero Bosko takes a break from Girdering to torture a Dead Ringer for Mickey Mouse. This unfortunate little creature is subjected to a Warped and Anachronistic Version of the X-Games by being forced to perform his 360s, 540s, and 720s tricks off the platform of Bosko's musical saw. After watching (and listening to) Mickey's full repertoire, Bosko allows the saw to slice him in half. Mickey is later beheaded, and immediately after he's "fixed" (like a cheap pop-bead doll) Bosko plops him into the yawning mouth of an insatiable She-Goat. Though Mickey emerges from her tummy trap door after a bit (apparently in deference to younger viewers who might be traumatized by seeing Mickey Trumped out of the goat's butt the natural way), Mickey soon disappears from view as this story segues into Bosko's affair with Honey. (As it says in Trump's Corinthians Two, he no longer has time for childish Disney things.)

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Although Walt Disney was producing exceptional cartoons circa 1930, Warner Brothers (through Leon Schlessinger Studios) was way behind on the curve. The quality of their Bosko series was clearly light-years behind Mickey Mouse--mostly because the cartoons weren't especially funny or charming. Instead, they were rather corny. Because of this, you practically never (thank goodness) see these cartoons today.Here in HOLD ANYTHING, Bosko is working around a construction site. He sees his girlfriend and they begins making eyes at each other. It's all a bit mushy and they dance around a bit until eventually (and mercifully) it all ends. The only interesting part is when Bosko cuts the head off a mouse that looks amazingly like Mickey!

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Hold Anything (1930) ** (out of 4) Early animated film from Warner before they gave us their more memorable (and better known) characters. Bosko is doing construction where he tries to do everything as if it were a note of music. I know Bosko was probably Warner's biggest character at the time but I don't think he holds up too well (and who knows if he did in 1930). The biggest problem I had with this short was that the music numbers weren't all that memorable and even though this ran under ten-minutes you can't help but feel like it's longer. There are some mice in the film, all looking like Mickey Mouse, which I guess should be expected since the director's originally worked at Disney.

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Robert Reynolds

This is a fairly typical early Bosko and is reasonably amusing. There are one or two points I want to discuss in some detail, some "Here there be spoilers": This short is musically-oriented and lots of things become musical instruments in the hands of Bosko, his work crew (a bunch of small, strangely familiar mice) and Bosko's girlfriend. It is to the temporary misfortune of one particular mouse that Bosko is his foreman. The mouse falls off a wall and lands on a saw, which starts making music. Bosk starts bending and warping the saw to get musical notes from it, which tosses the mouse up into the air. At one point, the mouse comes down on the saw-teeth and his head lands on one side and his body on the other. You then see the head and the body moving around on the saw as Bosko bends and warps it to make music as the body and head frantically try to get back together.Later on in the short, Bosko sees Honey in an office and goes across to her window by using musical notes as steppingstones in mid-air. He proceeds to put sheet music in her typewriter and play it like a piano. The capper on the music from unusual sources is Bosko's use of a goat as bagpipes.This has quite a few of the visual gags that would be used frequently in the Bosko shorts, such as Bosko breaking up into lots of little Boskos after hitting the ground and the playing of music when running across steps or bricks where the path is differentiated enough to resemble a keyboard or a xylophone.Good, if rather standard, Bosko short. Worht watching, if you get the opportunity. Recommended.

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