High Risk
High Risk
| 01 July 1995 (USA)
High Risk Trailers

After failing to save his wife from 'The Doctor', Kit Li is working as a bodyguard and secret stunt double for the cowardly martial arts film star Frankie Lane. Frankie attends an exhibition of the crown jewels of Russia at a Hong Kong hotel, and when the Doctor's gang take over the building in attempt to steal them, Kit is the only thing standing in their way. Will Frankie regain his courage? Will romance blossom between Kit and the nosy reporter? Who has the best Kung-Fu?


You won't be disappointed!

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Wonderful character development!

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Who payed the critics

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An action-packed slog

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The movie might have been Hong Kong's version of "Rush Hour" if Jackie Chan was playing the role of Frankie. Unfortunately, the chemistry between the principles didn't seem to match, and this didn't happen. Jet Li is a Hong Kong police officer in the special operations. He lost his wife and daughter on his mission to defuse a bomb set under their bus. He's deeply affected by this event, and retires from the police force. He's finding bit part as a stunt man, but then the culprit who was responsible for the bombing of the bus shows up at the hall he happens to be in. Him, Frankie, (Jackie Cheung) and others battle the gangs to save the day.Jet Li was still unknown in the west at the time, but he puts in a great performance. I can't tell if it's wire work, but he does some unbelievable moves in this movie. Perhaps the fastest I've seen him move.What surprised me was how decrepit Jackie Cheung looks in this movie. I almost didn't recognize him. The movie didn't come out as the stellar action movie it could have been, but Jet Li shows his presence in this movie as the leading man. Worth the watch.

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As you probably know, Wong Jing is an Hong Kong director, famous for mix various styles in his features, in this case we have a mix of Die Hard and a martial arts movie.The action scenes are cool, with martial arts fights and a mixture of violence, slapstick comedy and awesome stunt work, with the choreography of Corey Yuen (the main reason why i saw this film)!The cast is cool, Jet Li was awesome, Jacky Cheung was funny and awesome, his performance went beyond my expectations.The rhythm is fast paced, even in the scenes without action it's still entertaining, because the characters are worked and well structured.Better than expected, recommended to everybody !

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ok, let's see...What if this movie was made this cliché and this badly dubbed on purpose? Then it would be a brilliant parody/tribute to Bruce Lee, As much of the Frankie Lone character obviously is borowed from him. No, not the coward part, but a lot of the poses he does. There is also the yellow clothing which MUST refer to Game of death... I'd more or less leave out Jet Li's Character in this analysis since I considder it to be more of a sidekick but yet extremly important to the story. In this case I'd give this movie a 8/10But what if this movie wasn't made like this on purpose?Then it would become something completly different. It would become a badly made ordinary action movie. The story is nothing new and have been made a 1000 times before. Ok, it would still have some humor in it but it would be almost a a turkey... In this case I'd give it 4/10Movie-Man

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Some people might think that this is a Jet Li film. Well, it is not. Jet Li IS there, and he kills a bunch of bad guys and causes trouble for the bad guy (The Doctor). But he is not the head character. He is in the movie from time to time, but not enough to be called a main character.It starts out with Kit Li (Jet Li) as a army officer. His wife and some school children are trapped in a bus and Jet Li needs to disarm the bomb beneath the bus. He cuts the wrong wire and the bus goes boom.We fast forward 2 years and now Kit Li acts as bodyguard for the Kung-Fu superstar Frankie Lone. Frankie Lone is known for making all of his own stunts (when infact, Kit Li, or some stunt double, is the one who makes the stunts).One day Frankie Lone goes to see some Tzar jewels from Russia, displayed in a skyscraper. And then Terrorists run in, kill everyone on floor one and go up to the Tzar jewels and takes everyone hostage... But not Kit Li or Frankie Lone. While Frankie Lone runs around the building, avoiding terrorists all the time (he is to cowardly to fight them), Kit Li rushes the building with a cop and an uzi, and mows down enough terrorists to fill a football field with (well, almost. Its entertaining anyway).Excellent writing and goofy acting and directing (intentionally) makes up for a superb action movie. I have seen people here complain about the Kung-Fu just being average in this movie, but I disagree. Its very good indeed. Might not be Jet Li's best, but at least it doesn't use CGI like so many movies today. its fast and entertaining. The final fight scene between Frankie Lone and that long haired terrorist dude is really awesome (and funny).I give this movie a 9 out of 10 stars. Rent it, or even better, buy it!

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