Here Come the Tigers
Here Come the Tigers
PG | 24 May 1978 (USA)
Here Come the Tigers Trailers

A cop and his partner manage a little league baseball team, trying to turn the group of misfits into a competitive team.


Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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In other words,this film is a surreal ride.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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I just watched this horrid thing on TV. Needless to say it is one of those movies that you watch just to see how much worse it can get. Frankly, I don't know how much lower the bar can go. The characters are composed of one lame stereo-type after another, and the obvious attempt at creating another "Bad News Bears" is embarrassing to say the VERY least.I have seen some prized turkeys in my time, but there is no reason to list any of them since this is "Numero Uno".Let me put it to you this way, I watched the Vanilla Ice movie, because it was so bad it was funny. NOT even that good.

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Have not watched kids films for some years, so I missed "Here Come the Tigers" when it first came out. (Never even saw "Bad News Bears" even though in the '70s I worked for the guys who arranged financing for that movie, "Warriors," "Man Who Would Be King," and "Rocky Horror Picture Show," among others.) Now I like to check out old or small movies and find people who have gone on to great careers despite being in a less than great movie early on. Just minutes into this movie I could take no more and jumped to the end credits to see if there was a young actor in this movie who had gone on to bigger and better things--at least watching for his/her appearance would create some interest as the plot and acting weren't doing the job. Lo and behold, I spied Wes Craven's name in the credits as an electrical gaffer. He'd already made two or three of his early shockers but had not yet created Freddie Krueger or made the "Scream" movies. Maybe he owed a favor and helped out on this pic. More surprising was Fred J. Lincoln in the cast credits as "Aesop," a wacky character in the movie. F.J. Lincoln, from the '70s to just a few years ago, appeared in and produced adult films. He was associated with the adult spoof "The Ozporns," and just that title is funnier than all of "Tigers" attempts at humor combined. Let the fact that an adult actor was placed in a kids movie be an indication as to how the people making this movie must have been asleep at the wheel.

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Jim Smith

My God, how could man have created such a monstrosity as "Here Come The Tigers."All I can say is this film - which I have been curious about seeing since my youth - is absolutely unwatchable. It's as if the creators turned on a few cameras, threw bad actors in front of them and walked away. I'm in need of professional help to get over the pall of boringness that had wafted over me after sitting through 1/2 hour of this mess. Even fast forwarding was a task.Sean Cunningham should have been arrested for even thinking about making this film, let alone releasing it onto an unsuspecting public. Stay away. Even the opening credits are too cheap for words.

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I remember seeing the trailer for this film on television. It seems like they ran it alot around release time (usually during re-runs of Gomer Pyle). The producers hired baseball announcer Mel Allen to voice it. After seeing the film years later (also on TV), I can't help but think the money they paid Mel for his voice work probably constituted one of the largest production expenditures.This movie never fooled anybody. It was conceived and produced to cash in on the wild success of "The Bad News Bears". It flopped and was nearly forgotten (except for this imdb entry).I don't think you'll see this film on a future AFI treasure list anytime soon.

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