Haunted Lighthouse 4-D
Haunted Lighthouse 4-D
| 07 March 2003 (USA)
Haunted Lighthouse 4-D Trailers

Two ghosts that are children are forced to stay on a haunted beach and 100 years later find two children on the same beach trying to turn them into ghosts too.


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Cissy Évelyne

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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My Wife and I took our 7 yr old Son to this show at Sea World, San Diego. He really enjoyed it as did my Wife and I. People need to realize that this was a 30 minute version designed mainly for kids and the family as a whole. It was very entertaining as well as keeping you on the edge of your seat wandering when the next special effect was coming to surprise you and make you jump. The effects themselves as well as the time it must have taken just to design this 3D version must have been extensive. Just the planning alone probably took months. Though I must agree that the story line is quite short, we must all admit that the attention span of Children isn't that long either.I applaud Sea World and the makers of this 3D adapted version for a job well done and look forward to more of the same.

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While this isn't terrible, I think the main problem is it's too short. There could've been a whole lot more backstory built into every one these characters, and the end result would've been more satisfying. Even another 15 minutes would help. There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to see tied up--how does Bobby Edner's character cast a shadow on the beach, anyway? Not only backstory, but in the "present day" there should've been more for each character to do. Every performer seems only to be barely scratching the surface of his/her role, and the whole thing could've been a whole lot more fun. Maybe this long version could've even been protracted to 2 installments (there's an idea--keep people coming back!) Not only that, but with Christopher Lloyd & Leah Thompson (who share more screen time here than they did in the entire BTTF trilogy), I kept expecting a McFly, Tannen or DeLorean to show up at any second!

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I drove four and a half hours with great hopes of somehow getting the chance of travelling through time. I saw a commercial advertising this so called "4D" experience, well call me professor stephen hawking, but isn't 4-D supposed to deal with time in some way? They didn't even TRY. All it was, was water splattering at me, and my chair was shakin, i mean ive never travled through time before, but im pretty sure thats not time travel. So if you are ever in busch gardens, thier is no reason to see this movie, ever. See the ice show instead, it doesn't use false advertising- because you know what, it's called the ice show, and guess what it is... A show on ice. I recommend the ice show.

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I have seen this on a recent trip to Sea World in San Diego, CA. and thought it was a neat little movie. The story was cute, and the 4th dimension made it fun. There are a couple of scenes which will have you jumping out of your seat. Of course, I probably wouldn't go back to see it again, but it made for a good rest stop in the park. Just a warning if you end up seeing this movie. Try not to bring any babies to it. They can get a little upset with the 4th dimension.

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