Half Past Dead 2
Half Past Dead 2
| 11 May 2007 (USA)
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Long time inmate Twitch (Kurupt) gets himself transfered to a tougher prison than the re-opened Alcatraz. He claims it's to be closer to his lady but his real motives are a bit more grandiose. There he crosses paths with Burke (Bill Goldberg) a bulky prisoner who can take care of himself. Twitch, despite being less muscular, is just as mouthy and is pretty much the same. But there is a gang war brewing between the black and hispanic inmates that explodes into a hostile takeover of the prison when the black's gang leader is shot dead and the finger points at Burke. But the sh!t really hits the fan when the real killer and leader of the hispanics, Cortez (Robert Madrid) takes Twitch's girlfriend and Burke's daughter hostage.


What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Tom Cunningham

Goldberg. To anyone who knows him he's an unstoppable force, sheer brutality in the ring, 173 win streak, 285 pounds of intensity. Trying his hand at acting, I expect he'll be lending some of those qualities into another blistering performance. This time in Half past dead 2.However, watching about 30 minutes of it I soon discover the problem, the writers have seemed to borrow heavily from the first Shrek film. His character Burke, is just Shrek with a goatee and Kurupt, providing the 'comic relief' is just a p*ss poor Donkey. Sticking true to the shrek storyline the main focus of the film is to 'rescue the princess' In this case there's two of them, Burke's daughter and Donkey's bitch. They have both been kidnapped during a prison riot which I guess was tossed in to throw us off the scent of the swamp.During the riot you are treated to a selection of fights that look like they'be been choreographed by David Blunkett, a 'rent a Mexican prisoner' royal rumble consisting of Hispanic actors who have been in every cheap prison b movie out there and some of the worst character acting by Bill Goldberg your ever likely to see. While all that action takes place, you have the pleasure of a whiny amateurish gangster rap soundtrack that sounds like it was written by a 13 year old in Portsmouth.In conclusion, stick to wrestling.

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this sequel has almost nothing to do with the first one.it's takes place in a prison like the first one did.but it's inferior in every way.the story is lacklustre,the characters aren't really believable.the whole thing is just an exercise in random noise and chaos,with no real direction.and while the acting in the first movie may not have been Oscar worthy,it was Shakespearean compared to what transpired here.i don't mind saying i was pretty bored throughout this yawn fest.it doesn't distinguish itself from other movies of the genre,nor does it even attempt to.i'd definitely give this one a miss,unless you're a big fan of Bill Goldberg.for me,Half Past Dead 2 is a 3/10

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kai ringler

this is billed as a sequel to the first half past dead with steven seagal,, this one does not feature seagal,, but instead the pro wrestler. Bill Goldberg,, Korrupt is back,, but not Ja Rule.. this one isn't quite as good as the first,, Twitch gets himself transferred to Creighton which is probably based on Super Max the prison out in Colorado. Bill Goldberg is caught up in the middle of a gang war in prison along with Korrupt,, Korrupt has a sexy girlfriend, and Bill Goldberg a teen daughter who both get trapped inside the prison on visiting day,, a riot ensues and game on.. they kinda try to tie in the first movie with this one,, but really isn't the same.. Tony Plana makes a cameo appearance as the warden on Alcatraz, this movie is okay, but very hard to beat the first one.

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Have Just Finished watching this movie , and Boy was it intense. Kurupt is Hilarious ! It's definitely a low budget movie , But Believe me you won't notice. Just don't have too high expectations , but don't have low ones either. The soundtrack is unbelievably HOT !. An overall cool action movie with no special effects,smoke,explosions,etc... Just Guns and Fights ! And Actually a semi-good plot.I give this movie a Big 6 out of 10 (wanted to give it more but just couldn't!).Believe me, you won't regret watching it.

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