| 09 February 1965 (USA)
Guide Trailers

When mistaken to be a sage by some villagers, an ex-tour guide reflects on his past and lost love to search for spiritual wisdom to guide the villagers.


That was an excellent one.

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Good start, but then it gets ruined

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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52 years down the line & yet Guide still is fresh & relevant. Dev Anand was never given credit for his acting (perhaps people at that time were fond of theatrical acting of Dilip Kumar). However you have to see Guide (& other B & W movies before Guide) to realize how good an actor he was! In the song Waha kaun hai tera, when coins are thrown at him the expression of self deprecation given by him is one such example. Goldie's direction & treatment to the subject which was far ahead of its time is unparalleled.Finally what can be said about Sachinda's compositions. Surely this is the only movie all the songs of which will be as fresh 100 years from now as they are today.

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Peter Young

Based on R.K. Narayan's famous novel, The Guide, Vijay Anand's Guide is a doubtless classic of Hindi movies. In a way, the movie broke tradition by presenting a relationship between a simple man who works as a guide and an unhappily-married woman he assists. The film's most remarkable feat is the lack of over-perfection. The characters are devoid of any heroic qualities. They are, like everybody else, flawed and imperfect people who have their ups and downs, and not typical self-sacrificing figures. The first scene when Dev Anand's Raju is released from prison made me predict that in typical Hindi-film style, he was actually there for no reason and was probably accused for no fault of his own. After all we are so used to seeing movies in which the lead characters are imprisoned either because they sacrificed themselves for somebody else or because they were deceived. Here Raju really did commit a crime. It's interesting how the story moves through several ironic turns. In the first half we see that Waheeda Rehman's Rosie is emotionally dependant on Raju as in him she finds a friend and confidant, and he is the one who inspires her to fight for her dignity and is her only support system. Later in the film, the story turns over when, with the help of Raju, Rosie achieves fame as a dancer. She is stronger, and feels more confident. There we see that it is actually Raju who is dependant on her, both emotionally and financially. He loses himself to drinking and gambling and is an altogether different person. Well, so is she, and that's what gives us a fascinating look at the complexity of their relationship. The second half is, by my estimation, much stronger than the first, but that's a good thing (the trouble is when it's the other way around). In many ways, the second half, namely the parts showing the conflict in Raju and Rosie's new life as a couple, is reminiscent of many classic Hollywood pictures involving relationships. The narrative structure is done well, never daring to torture the audience and instead making everything easy to follow despite many complex proceedings. Yes, there are moments which I felt were unnecessary and the film may be quite overlong, but otherwise it is well-edited although, of course, it is more a case of good storytelling, and due credit for the consistency goes to Vijay Anand for writing such a good script and directing it so well. The dialogue is for the most part excellent - it is rich and meaningful, and it's easy to see why many of the film's lines are famous to this today. They bring depth to the story and never sound cheesy or corny, just very appropriate and convincing. The film is also one of the most remarkable cinematographic achievements of the times, and the colour cinematography makes for an easy watch. The music, by S.D. Burman, is sublime, and rightfully each song is considered a classic. The songs are executed with impressive energy and colour, they never feel out of place, and are all situationally relevant as they enhance the meaning of the story. My favourite number is of course the highly popular "Aaj Phir Jeene Ki Tamanna Hai", just because I saw it as an uninhibited celebration of the human spirit, and it is just an exhilarating and joyful number.Raju and Rosie have been known as iconic characters, and due credit for this must go to the actors, though they are well written. Dev Anand, as already mentioned, plays an imperfect man who is still rather classy as a character and it is a demanding part for any actor. This is the role of a lifetime for this popular actor, he sinks his teeth into it, and delivers. He is convincing even in the most crucial moments, where a lesser actor could have failed, and brings character to Raju. Waheeda Rehman shines as the conflicted Rosie, in a performance that, in spite of being so restrained, conveys so much of her inner pain and dissatisfaction from life. Her transformation is very convincing, as later in the film we see an altogether different woman, who is indifferent to her surroundings and to Raju as well. It never looks peculiar, where it could have because we saw a much more warm side of her character early in the movie. It goes without saying that her dance numbers are simply superb - they are some of the best portions of the film and they contribute significantly to the building of her character. Each one of them constitutes an expression of her state of mind, whether happy or tormented, and there is a certain fervour in her expressions and moves that explosively brings out her otherwise repressed energy and emotion. Anand and Rehman are supported by several actors who provide strong support even if not all of them are great actors. Kishore Sahu is good as Marco, Rosie's ignorant husband, although he has several weak moments. The glorious Leela Chitnis is wonderful as Raju's loving mother. Guide is a great film, though I would never call it flawless. In all fairness I found myself disappointed a bit with the conclusion of the story although I did see the redemptive tone of the ending. It is of course handled very well, but the chapter where Raju is mistaken as a holy man just didn't work for me as much despite the spiritual side of it. I still appreciate Guide and believe that fans of Hindi movies, and even foreigners who have not seen Indian movies, will enjoy this movie. It is a fine dramatic musical, and all I think is left to say is well-done.

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i presume that brian is not an Indian national or speaks Indian languages. his take on this movies is quite accurate. he has described it in perfect words. i congratulate him because it isn't easy for an American to understand the intricate details of a foreign film.also it is my all time fav movies by far ( Indian movie i.e.). a classical musical fest. brilliantly directed acted and edited. dev anand who is producer of this movies changed the end of the movie. in the novel Raju gets back with rosie and takes his mother and rosie to new town to start fresh life. but dev thought that a happy ending doesn't suit this story and decided to stick with mentality of Raju after getting out of jail. notably, i have read few other articles posted by fellow indians, which seem to have wrong interpretation of this movie. i at least saw 2 points, 1. they mention that Raju who is a guide on one hand and con-man on other. he is not depicted as con-man in the movie the only con he pulls is he forges a signature, that too to keep Rosie away from her ex husband who is trying to get back to her now that she is rich and famous. 2nd thing they say after getting out of the jail Raju goes in search of Rosie, wrong again !! he doesn't have to search for rosie if he wants to ! he decides to leave his past behind and start a new life, to search his soul, but now has no money and no goal and just wanders around. this is where the movies starts and during the titles, there is beautiful soulful song perfectly timed. this is the beauty of the movie. unlike other Hindi movies where a special situation is created for songs and songs rather seem pushed into movies. the songs in guide come with a flow and become part of the story.again brain u really have expressed the true heart of this movie. great work sir !

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Based on an acclaimed novel, 'Guide' takes us through a journey guided by the protagonists Raju (Anand) and Rosie (Rehman). Simply said, the story is about Raju, the tourist guide, who falls in love with an amateur dancer, Rosie, who's married to an archaeologist. Dance is Rosie's passion but due to her husband's discontent, she gives it up in the hope to please him and remain be devoted. Eventually, he abandons her and she seeks solace in Raju's companionship. Raju encourages her to follow her passion. However, the neighborhood, his family and friends object to their relationship and the fact that she's living in his house. Even his mother leaves him. With the help of Raju, Rosie becomes a successful dancer and a star while Raju spends the earnings on gambling, drinking and other such dealings. Rosie, though somewhat bothered by Raju's bad habits, she somehow tolerates them. Stardom has never been her ambition and she continues her dance only for the passion. Then, when Rosie's ex-husband makes his entry, it becomes too much for Raju to handle and here things change from bad to worse.The story isn't told in chronological order but due to brilliant writing and Anand's direction, it is easy to follow and keeps us engaged as the events unfold proving once again that Anand is one of the greater storytellers. The songs are among the memorable classics (beautiful lyrics) that are spectacularly picturised (thanks to the amazing cinematography and the dazzling locations) and support the narration. The characters are so brilliantly written with different layers showing us very real human beings. None of them are perfect and very easily relatable.Dev Anand and Waheeda Rehman have acted together in a number of films, yet 'Guide' remains the most memorable film as their chemistry is simply electrifying. Not surprisingly, the characters Raju and Rosie have been immortalized by the two fabulous leads. Dev Anand as Raju delivers his best performance, while Waheeda Rehman as Rosie underplays her part to near perfection and portrays Rosie with élan and I loved her expressions in the song just before Raju is arrested.Finally, 'Guide' remains one of my favorite classics that I'll recommend to anyone. In my humble opinion it is one that will surprise you with it's storytelling and characters and one that will stay in your brave brain for quite some time.

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