Green Grow the Rushes
Green Grow the Rushes
| 06 November 1951 (USA)
Green Grow the Rushes Trailers

Efforts to move Britain into the modern age don't sit well with the people of the small village of Anderia Marsh, who have claimed a right (going back to Henry III) to evade government-imposed import duties and taxes. And when the government decides to curb this right, the whole village quietly rises up in a comical rebellion. After their vessel runs aground during a storm and is impounded by the British authorities, local smugglers must find a way of disposing of their contraband brandy cargo before it's discovered by the Customs Officers.


just watch it!

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The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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If it can happen to Richard Burton, it can happen to anyone. It was early on in his career, so thankfully, everyone was able to forget about this one after he made My Cousin Rachel the following year. Green Grow the Rushes is a very silly movie, one that you wouldn't expect a Shakespearean actor to make.A group of men try to smuggle brandy in through old smuggling ships, but a young female reporter tries to get in their way by sort of pretending she doesn't know what they're up to, but then admitting she knows and is going to write a newspaper article about it, but then forgets her plan altogether because Richard Burton flirts with her. It's a little confusing, but then again, you won't really care about the plot enough to really try to figure it out. It's very silly, and I wouldn't really recommend it.

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This film was the first venture of ACT Films,a company set up by the technicians union to provide more employment for its members.they were aided with government money through the NFFC.They did have problems getting this and their other films distributed with the result that the venture was a short lived affair.If the other films were of a similar quality to this then it is little surprise.It is a clear copy of Whiskey galore and Passport To Pimlico only without the originality and humour of the original.Instead of humour slapstick takes its place often with woeful results.the climax is just plain awful.What makes it worse is that the cast is good.Roger Livesey on his way down to character parts and a very young Honor Blackman and Richard Burton.Shame this talent is wasted on this dismal farce.

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British comedy about a marsh community with a little secret. Some government snooties bounce into town to boss folks around, but the joke is on them. The entire community is involved with booze smuggling, and they're not about to give it up. Richard Burton and Honor Blackman are among the cast. Favorite part: the fate of the little clipper ship full of booze as it encounters a dangerous storm. What does the crew do when faced with being discovered with contraband? They drink it...and wreck the ship. The next morning the ship has been lifted over the sea wall into a farmer's meadow. A movie that makes me smile every time I think of it.

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I'm guessing, but I'm probably on firm ground that with the success of the Ealing Studios Whiskey Galore two years earlier, it was felt that Green Grow The Rushes with a similar subject would have a built in audience. Though Green Grow The Rushes is not quite as good as Whiskey Galore, it's certainly an amusing enough comedy about a village and the marsh territory surrounding it determined to maintain their independence and way of living even in the modern times of the post World War II United Kingdom.One thing that Green Grow The Rushes does have is a young Richard Burton in one of his earliest screen appearances. He plays a young fisherman who has a more lucrative sideline in smuggling. In fact it's the cottage industry of this coastal town. Which is a source of some amusement to Burton when reporter Honor Blackman of the town paper acts all innocent like she doesn't know.In fact this place has prized it's independence for several hundred years since Henry III granted them a charter of home rule way back when that sort of thing wasn't done. However three officious bureaucrats from various ministries show up with a plan for what we in America might term urban renewal and the town springs to action. Every wile and stratagem they can think of and liberal use of the home rule charter granted them thwarts these bureaucrats at every turn. It's all led by Roger Livesey who is the captain of one of the smuggling ships.Green Grow The Rushes is a bright and amusing comedy, but I honestly don't think anyone would have predicted the enormously successful career of Richard Burton from seeing it though.

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