R | 23 July 2006 (USA)
Greed Trailers

Raven (Darlena Tejeiro) and Ashley (Andrea Bogart), two young women returning from a rock-climbing expedition, find themselves harassed by a group of bikers at a dusty bar in the desert. With surprise and guile on their side, the girls escape by stealing the leader's bike. Within minutes the furious biker gang is in hot pursuit through the hazardous terrain. Believing they have evaded the bikers, the girls discover a satchel of cash on their damaged bike and stumble across the desert to a small motel. The owner, Ned (Joe Goodrich), has agreed to drive them into town when suddenly the bikers appear, and they're looking for payback and the money.


Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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Disappointment for a huge fan!

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it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Two girls, returning from a climbing trip, have a bit of a run in at gun point with a biker gang on dirt bikes in a bar which looks like it's someone's garage. They steal their dirt bikes and end up on the run. The biker gang gives chase, because the dirt bike the girls have stolen from them has a whopping six thousand dollars in stolen money hidden in a pouch (where the money came from isn't explained, or maybe it just wasn't interesting enough to remember?) Somehow this all ties in with an escaped killer called the AxeMan, who is also after the few thousand dollars the girls unknowingly have in their possession. The main biker is a Ted Nugent lookalike with a silly voice, the "biker" gang rides dirt bikes, people are shot with no obvious effects other than having to wear a small bandage, and guns which reload themselves are all on tap in this no budget Z-movie. The climactic chase has the fat, bald, sweater wearing axe killer chasing the girls on a glorified riding mower- oooh, now that's scary. This is nothing more than a 1960s biker movie plot, crossed with a female exploitation movie, with traces of a horror movie, which looks like its screenplay was found after it sat in a trash can for the past 40 years, and updated on a minuscule budget. It's too low budget to be a good action movie, but not unintentionally bad enough to be enjoyable in a "so bad it's good" way. Watching Darlena Tejeiro's bouncy tits was probably the highlight of this otherwise unwatchable flick, but there's not enough skin shown either. A big disappointment all around, and a confusing one as well, with too many characters and unanswered questions for its own good.

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That's what you get with this movie. That's about all you get with this movie. I am not kidding when I say that two damsels in distress get harassed at a dive bar by a gang (leather jackets, motor-huckle boots, you name it) that has driven up to the bar. On dirt bikes! A hahahahahahahaha! Oh man, I have to give credit where it's due, because when this scene unfolded before my eyes, it was the equivalent of cinemtic masturbatory bliss! I have never laughed so hard in my life! Oh, you also get ATV chases, more dirt bikes, rock climbing, and some escaped ape of a dude who goes around "axing" people. Seriously, if you have somehow stumbled upon the hell which is this movie, watch it just for that scene alone. You'll dig it, man! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

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Well, if so, have I got a film for you! Actually, even you won't like it. Because this movie is bad. Not bad like week old milk, bad like genocide. Bad like finding out that everyone you have ever loved was murdered by your dog because you gave it rabies. Bad like the Hantavirus.I hope that gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. I can deal with crappy movies. I can watch underworld 2, so I'm pretty immune to it, but this movie takes crap to a whole new level. First off, the "Main Characters" are mentally deficient ex-porn actresses who happen to ride motorcycles. Or rock climb. Or, I don't know, flirt with each other. That's all they really seem to do. They meet and become fast friends. Then these 90 pound girls insult some bikers. "Action" ensues. Basically, you find out that these girls will steal money, but not motorcycles, because they walk to a hotel. From there they spend the rest of the movie with pretty much no clothes on.There is horror in this movie, but it's more from the realization that those hillbillies from the beginning were probably related then from the actual story. There is an escaped blah blah blah, evil, blah, scary, blah, probably cries himself to sleep at night. He has a bad nickname. He kills with axes, or whatever is presented to him. He survives being hit by a car. He is just big. That's how scary he is. Big. Right.So, he chases them, they try to get some money from some bar tenders and hillbillies, they run from bikers. A cop sleeps with a councilor while she leaves the kids at home. All while being painfully aware of their own level of incredible cheese. The actors, minus that one guy who you kind of recognize, are not actors at all. They are the retarded droppings of a Los Angeles nightclub; in other words, they all worked in the "Independent Film" industry before this. Or, at least, they wish they had the talent to work in the "Independent Film" industry. They are so bad.Combine this with some of the most horrible script, directing, "music", and action scenes ever created, along with the fact that the story is complete tripe, and you get one of the worst movies ever made. Ever. In the entire history of movies. Do not watch it. Do not look at it. Go home and burn a piece of paper with the name of the movie on it in effigy, and then bathe yourself for even associating with the title of this piece of crap.

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The movie begins with a brutal killing, as a killer on the loose is introduced, followed by the introduction of two sexy girls. Now that's a beginning in my book. Roger Corman would be proud. What follow is really not the traditional horror movie fare, as it becomes more of an action adventure featuring some cool chases with bikers, and a real campy chase between an ATV and a station wagon loaded with the hot female leads being chased by the loony killer. I found the film enormously entertaining, and appreciated the fact that the filmmakers did not take the film too seriously, as many of the horror/action films do. The film was funny at times, and the quirky characters added humor to the ever twisting plot. There are some unpredictable surprises that caught me of guard and I enjoyed the handling of the action scenes, especially the biker's chase. The rock climbing chase was unique, although I must admit, the girls acting was a bit below par, but at least they did not have to scream throughout the movie, like in so many of the films in that genre. It was a welcome surprises to see Jason London in a different type of role. The campy tone of the film was refreshing. An entertaining popcorn movie with a beer or coke chaser, depending on your age.

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