Going Back
Going Back
| 24 July 1979 (USA)
Going Back Trailers

A remote stone house nestles peacefully on the edge of the Yorkshire moors. In the garden. Faith Armstrong describes the flowers and the late afternoon skies to Jack, her blind husband. "The sun is almost setting. The sky is blue, with ... those little puffy clouds like meringues. There are still leaves on the trees. Oh . quite a few birds are gathering . " All is peaceful. As they talk, a small figure appears walking towards the cottage on the moorland road. Slowly it becomes recognisable as the Armstrong's son David. David's arrival is unexpected. He left home three years ago, and Faith and Jack have heard nothing from him until now. Things at home have changed a lot in those three years. His father has gone blind, and his brother Malcolm is now engaged 'to Heather. David's former girlfriend. The family are curious. Why has David suddenly decided to return home? How long is he staying? Is he in trouble?


That was an excellent one.

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It is so daring, it is so ambitious, it is so thrilling and weird and pointed and powerful. I never knew where it was going.

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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