R | 19 October 2002 (USA)
GhostWatcher Trailers

Laura Kove is an agoraphobic young woman whose world turns upside down when she discovers that the apartment she's locked herself into is haunted. Turning to the internet for help, she enlists the aid of Elizabeth Dean, a scam artist who passes herself off as a ghost hunter. At first, Elizabeth doesn't buy Laura's story but she soon becomes a true believer.


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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I knew this movie was going to be crap when I saw that it had been filmed using the same handy-cam that I use for family events. The acting was really bad and at times made no sense. The only scene that I thought was remotely worth watching was when you briefly see the "Killer" in a flash of cheesy lightning. I would only recommend this film if your only other entertainment option was watching paint dry, and even then you would had to tick me off really bad. I personally can't figure out how there could be a sequel to this movie. There was nothing worth watching the first time what on earth could have inspired the second go-round?

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Vince Zen

I gave this a three out of ten. The three is only posted due to the fact that I now have an unflagging faith that myself and four of my stupid half-wit drunk friends can make a movie and release it directly to video. And then follow up with a sequel. There is apparently no prerequisite exam to becoming a director. Okay, enough ripping. Down to business. First and foremost, the damn thing was filmed in Grainavision or something. It looked like they sanded the lens before they shot. In addition, it didn't appear that the production crew cared to waste any money on Steady-Cam. Also, periodic wacky camera angles, reminiscent of the old Batman series litter this cinematic train wreck. As to whether they are intentional or not is a point of conjecture. But DOES get worse. I can live with two dimensional characters. Good actors are expensive. I'm down with the sound. But they could have at least had the common decency to memorize their lines and not spit them at the camera. I've heard better deliveries from the recorded 411 information. Will I watch the sequel? Oh yea, I will. I carry the Ever Burning Torch of the Satellite of Love. There is of course some redeeming qualities. First of, the story line could have gone somewhere. It really could have. If it had been polished a bit, it could have carried the movie. I like the premise very much. Also, even if they ARE amateur actors, eye candy abounds.

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Its a pity you cant give this film a zero or -1 cause that si what it deserves, i think that this is definitely the worst film i have ever seen ever in history, the whole storyline is absolutely B*llocks and the attempt to make a horror film is completely forgotten as the film progresses. the acting is by far the worst amateur acting i have ever seen, every line is forced out and each member of the cast is really, really bad at showing emotion. half way through the film i sat there dertermined to watch the film to the end, not because i was struggling to stay awake or anything like that, but simply to see if the film would at all improve just slightly. the fact this film is meant to be a horror is a joke as the attempt to make it at all scary is thrown out the window with in the first five minutes. not only am i disappointed with the film, in fact I'm disgusted that any video store would even stock this film and be willing to rent it out to innocent film lovers, all stores that choose to rent this film out should have this film in a large case with a 20ft warning sign that says " Please understand that by watching this film you are not only wasting your hard earned money but even worse you are putting yourself through what will be years of torture and torment at the realisation that at the end of this film you would have lost about 2 hours of your life that you will never get back, please approach film with great caution, also we don't do refunds.p.s. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK." HONESTLY though this is one hell of a boring film, i actually felt physically weak by the end of just watching it. please don't watch this film as it is extremely bad.thank you for taking my advice.

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Having seen pretty much ever horror movie ever made I can safely say I have seen it all. And I can also state quite confidently that the scariest movies were made in the between the 60's and 80's (Exorcist, Amityville Horror, Rosemary''s Baby, Carrie, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw, Evil Dead.... just to name a few), and the crap that came out after that was mostly crap (Friday the 13th, Halloween, Candy Man, The Others, and your average slasher thrill-kill flicks...). Recently, the only good horror movies I've seen were Stigmata, Ju-on, and the Ring. Ghostwatcher reminds me of a low budget film from the 80's called Witchboard. Same type of cinematography, music, acting and style. Witcboard scared me then, and Ghostwatcher scared me now. It's the possession thing. Hard to pull off, but when it's done right it's scary as hell. David Cross, the director, must have seen Witchboard and liked it too. Ghostwatcher made my girlfriend scream out loud and it made me want to shut my eyes a few times too. The LAST thing this movie needs is a big budget, because it's better off the way it is. It is genuinely eerie and believable in a way most other flicks are not. The haunting scenes are blood-curdling and it has some excellent originality which I have not seen used before. Although I would have thought this movie was made in the 80's, that is not a bad thing - because most good movies were, so cudos to Cross for capturing a mood that is so hard to find in modern day horror. And cudos to the nearly yall female cast as well for pulling off horror with a blend of amusement and coolness as well. I loved it. Anyone who puts this movie down obviously has no fear of hauntings, and should stick to the slasher flicks, which don't scare me at all. But if hauntings scare you, then see this movie. And keep the lights down low. Definitely a good ride.

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