| 13 January 2012 (USA)
Ghost Trailers

Ghost is a horror flick with an element of romance in it. It is set in a hospital with Sayali Bhagat playing a doctor and Shiney Ahuja playing a debonair detective. The movie has been directed by Puja Jatinder Bedi.


I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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.Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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After watching this film for nearly 2 hours(because I am a fan of horror stuff), all I can wonder is -WHY DO THEY EVEN BOTHER TO MAKE SUCH FILMS? 1. DO they think people are fools to be impressed by this sort of stuff? 2. DO they want to make money? Then they should make something sensible? 3. Are they being FORCED to make such nonsense? 4. OR Are they mad? This film basically follows the story of a detective who is given the task of investigating mystery multiple homicides taking place specially in a hospital at 3 am everyday, and soon he comes across shocking truths that form the rest of the story.The only good thing - and the only thing I am glad I watched this film , is that it has good music. I simply LOVE the track "Kahaan hai tu". Apart from this, the locales of shooting are good.The bad? Everything else - The acting is so weak, there is only old stuff in the acting, some unnecessary vulgar songs that spoil the essence of horror films, unnecessary usage of Biblical themes, like the crucifixion. And really bogus horror...I found nothing scary. They have wasted money on costumes and make up to make some REALLY SCARY creatures...but yes, that was a waste of money and effort :-)And it seems they have ended the film in a hurry.Listen to the soundtrack of this film but do not watch it unless you have nothing else to watch.

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Starting straight with the conclusion, if you are a fan of Horror genre and the obvious title GHOST excites you enough to watch this film soon, then do give it a second thought and let it be a miss since the film has got nothing fresh to entertain you as per its name. Based on the same ages old story of an exploited girl taking her revenge returning as a ghost, it relies heavily on all repeated stuff making you recall those cheesy RAMSAY movies made a few decades before in Bollywood.In short, GHOST has 'uninteresting' written all over it right from the start, where it showcases some strange kind of sequences explaining the good and evil with an amateurish graphical representation. It has the same routine kind of ambiance throughout, with everything below average starting from the script, direction and acting. Besides it also has few un-required songs (with a fairly good one too), which are not only interrupting but also quite annoying with their childish choreography. In fact, these songs clearly announce that in Bollywood, it really doesn't matter what genre you are dealing with, but one has to add few songs in his project as a mandatory clause of film-making. The script revolves around a foreign origin girl being tortured and killed to death. But why she is killed like Jesus, crucified on a cross, remains a strange unanswered question, no-where explained in the whole film. Moreover, while watching GHOST you never really get scared as you have already witnessed many similar scenes in numerous movies made earlier with the same mindset. Though it has one grippingly executed sequence in the morgue but other than that the film remains completely dull till its end and never gives you any thrills as expected.With a badly written script lacking any novelty, GHOST features all its actors performing like sleep-walking through their roles without any specific interest. The ghosts in the film look terribly awful with a bad make up and that remains another reason why they are not able to scare as required. So in all, GHOST brutally wastes your time and you can easily opt for something else instead of going for it in the theater. But then you must be wondering that why these kinds of movies are made in the first place?The answer to this question is hidden in its commercial angle which has the statistics saying that there are only two kinds of sure-shot projects which can get your money back with some marginal returns. One is a project having some SEX angle in it and another is a HORROR movie. As per the movie trade in India, these kinds of films have a certain market or a kind of repeat value specifically in the interiors i.e. smaller centers, in the Home Video market and also in the Satellite rights arena. So in the long run, say in the span of few years they do become a profitable venture for their producers even after being declared a FLOP at the box office. And that's the reason we keep on getting such projects in the name of cinema at regular intervals.Hence be ready to watch many more dreadful ventures in the routine till they keep on earning money for their makers in the long run.

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Avinash Patalay

The makers deserve to be lauded for managing to secure a clever title "Ghost" ensuring to attract attention of every horror movie buff. Next to that everything about "Ghost" is rubbish. The entire affair is very amateur'ish that it gives an impression of a summer project or worse a B-grade venture. Had this movie been made about 20-years ago, it would have stood a chance to compete against then ruling the roost - the Ramsay Brothers. On that note, it carries the same flavour of blood and gore.The screenplay is at its lowest ebb. The editor seems to have been coerced to retain every possible frame canned by the director leading to the proceedings at a snail's pace. The background score puts in best effort to inject fear factor. The CGI is poor and so is the performance of the actors which ensure to make you chuckle at regular intervals. Wonder what made Shiny Ahuja and Sayali Bhagat to participate in the project ("unemployment" perhaps?). Usage of name "Mary Magdalene" is in very bad taste. PS: If you forget the plagiarism references, watch "?" which deserves to be a Bible for horror film making (atleast in Indian Cinema).

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I'll be very honest to say that i actually like this movie because of the scary scenes. It's different from the other horrors done by the Bhatts or Varmas. There is also a substantial bit on Christianity here. U will see an actor portraying 'Jesus' in the film. I don't like to mention the story which is nice and has a twist in the later part of the film. Performances wise all suck. Seem to be sleepwalking throughout the film. The 5 songs are melodious and hummable. Watch out for the scary scenes in the morgue and the doctor's house. Gory scenes. Blood spluttering everywhere. Hehe. However, just watch for the story and spooky gory scenes. Worth the money. Hope they come out with a sequel. By the way, the Russian girl playing the ghost is very pretty.

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