Very well executed
... View MoreReally Surprised!
... View MoreBest movie ever!
... View MoreThis movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
... View MoreThis movie relies on stock footage of past films.This is not an actual reappearance of the Gamera from the past Showa films. It is a reboot, and does not depict the death of the "real" Gamera. It's also strongly hinted that the whole movie is a dream or in the imagination of Keiichi. It doesn't fit in the continuity of the other films at all.I've heard that Diamond Entertainment, (one of the companies that distributed the English dubbed versions), didn't include this film in their collection. They went as far as to say Gamera vs. Zigra (1971) was Gamera's last film in the Showa series.So, it's either a reboot, a dream or both. It's certainly the least important film in the series and seems like it tried to be a "best of" collection rather than a film.Since most of the Gamera scenes use stock footage from the previous movies, you would be better off watching the original films instead of this one.
... View MoreMy score mainly reflects my feelings when I first watched this movie, more than 30 years ago. Super monster was one of my favorite movies when I was a little boy back in the 80s. Yes, it is corny, yes if you watch it now you may think it is garbage, yes the monsters now look like rubber toys, and the airplanes are made of plastic, but 35 years ago I paid to see it in the theater 10 times in a row and it used to feed my boyish imagination for many a night. The song is forever stuck in my head and I often catch myself humming it even now. It is a great flick for the right people and brings memories of different times. Go Gamera! :)
... View MoreEveryone has their own view of this movie, but unless you take into consideration the reason it was made and the target audience, you may find yourself giving it a lower review then it deserves.Super Monster Gamera is MEANT to be a cheap, fun, lazy film. It's nothing more then a blending of the entire series sprinkled with a new plot to tie the battles together.It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's not meant to deliver an important issue, and it's not meant to WOW the audience with late 80's special effects.It's just a kid's film; no more, no less.With that in mind, Super Monster Gamera is by far my fave of the original Gamera series. Six monster battles, a catchy opening theme song, great music and very.. very... VERY bad acting! What a perfect Saturday afternoon popcorn treat.For those who HATE it. Ask yourself why you hate it? If it's because it's not new, not acted well and not up to your standards of special effects, then you're not seeing it for what it was meant to be.Now, if only I could find the soundtrack of the BGM!! C
... View MoreMany Kaiju fans hate this film for its constant use of stock footage. In fact, most of the special FX were stock footage and the few new ones were really cheap, but if you can see past these flaws, Super Monster becomes a very charming, appealing, and entertaining movie. The plot revolves around a young boy whose pet turtle turns into Gamera, the Super Monster of the title,(or something like that anyway) in order to rid the world of an army of monsters created by the pirate aliens of Zanon who want to take over the world. Gamera is assisted in his mission by his former boy master and a trio of Space Women. Out to stop the heros is an evil space woman named Giloki. Stock footage battle after stock footage battle then ensues. Ironicly, though, the stock footage adds to the film rather that detracts from it. This is the last of the classic Gamera series and re-showing all of Gamera's battles is like taking a fun little stroll down memory lane. It is a thrill to remember a great series greatest moments. It kind of plays like a "memories of" special of a famous television series. The few new special effects sequences that were in the film were very well done considering the budget. I personally think that when Gamera arrives for the first time in the movie by flying over the city is the high point of the entire series. The human elements of the story were also very well done and very appealing in a child-like sort of way.So in conclusion, you will probably hate this movie the first time you see it but if you give it a chance you will learn to like it. I just learned to love it and know it is my favorite movie of all time.
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