Fugitive Alien
Fugitive Alien
| 03 November 1987 (USA)
Fugitive Alien Trailers

An alien is pursued as a traitor by his own race because he refuses to kill humans.


Undescribable Perfection

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Sorry, this movie sucks

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Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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This film is not a pure movie, but rather a collection of episodes from a Japanese science fiction television show. Basically like that Time of the Apes and Mighty Jack which were also lampooned as this one was on MST3K. This one though, like those, jumps here and there and you at times cannot tell where the film is going or where it has come from. It has some elements of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica in it and is basically about a ship captained by a man who has lost his wife and child to alien invaders.The story is about one particular alien invader that goes against orders and accidentally kills one of his fellow troops. For reasons unknown, when you are a member of this ferocious team, you must where a blond wig and jump and roll every where even when it is completely pointless. Well he joins the ship, albeit begrudgingly, captained by the man who lost his wife and child and is now prone to mood swings. On the former bad guy's trail is his very own love from the invading planet because it was her brother that he killed. He seems to love her, but during the last portion of the film he kind of kills her. This movie is also a two parter and at the end we get a ...to be continued.This one just is not very entertaining. About the best thing are the cute girls, but two cute girls is not enough to save this mess from being as bad as it is. During this movie there is virtually no action aside from the invading scene other than the fugitive alien running here and there and then getting beat up by a human after he stopped a forklift with his hands! If he could stop it with his hands I would think a human would be relatively easy.So what you get to see here is another in a long line of smooshed together television shows into what sort of qualifies as a movie. Once again, it has lots of flashbacks and quick edits. Not a movie one should really strive to find suffice to say.

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Yes, this story of Captain Joe and the Backus 3 (if I remember correctly) is one humdinger of bad film. I don't remember much except shots of the actors in the ship and stuff happening. Having them in a centrifuge or something to give the effect of massive g-forces on their bodies. Them walking around and fighting like they were the power rangers without the costumes and martial arts (if you can call it that). Of course, I saw it on the Mystery Science Theater 3000 so it was great thanks to Joel and the 'Bots. Watch for the forklift part. Joel does this great impression of chipmunked-cheeked Captain Joe. Wait until he laughs and says:"You're stuck here!" imitating the character. It's the only way to see this film and frankly, I dare not see it with the MST3K version. Find a tape of it. They trade them over the net. Also one of the early KTMA episodes of the MST3K that they did over. Just see the MST3K version. Seriously.

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Yes, Sandy Frank folks!Actually, this is definitely one of my favorite japanese B-movies...which was actually TV shows spliced together. The concept is really neat with renegade Star Wolf...Ken didn't want to kill Ken. Get it? Plus, the matchbox and subpar effects are great in a kampy way and the star wars "homages" are funny! It was definitely a show that fit right in on the SOL which kampy in its own way too!You gotta love the conflict in this film...Ken and Star Wolves, Ken and Rocky..whereas this ragtag crew become earth's top defenders. Do not miss the infamous "forklift" scene and the sequel: Starforce: Fugitive Alien 2.Still way better than Space Mutiny.

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This "movie" is really just several episodes of a Japanese TV show stringed together, and it shows. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! This was obviously Japanese television's attempt to cash in on the success of "Star Wars." This movie is really badly dubbed as well. Although I think it would be bad subtitled as well.On the positive end, it was turned onto a really funny MST3K episode. So it's not a total loss!

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