From Beneath
From Beneath
| 19 August 2012 (USA)
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Jason, is bit by a strange organism while on vacation with his girlfriend, Sam, at her sister's secluded farmhouse. The bite begins a transformation in Jason, and now the couple must race against time to figure out what happened to Sam's sister and her family, and what lies in store for them. All of these elements are tantamount to the ultimate fear addressed in the film, the fear of losing a loved one and worse, becoming a monster in their eyes.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Let's be realistic.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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I enjoyed this movie, it's a Canadian Indie Horror/Drama. A young couple (Sam and Jason) drive to visit some of Sam's family who have moved out to the sticks next to a lake. When they get there they find her family are not there. Thinking the family must have nipped to the shops Sam and Jason decide to explore. They find the lake and decide to go for a swim (not the best of decisions by the look of the lake). When they get out Sam has a leech-like creature on her back and they see something moving under the skin of Jason's leg. Although a little boring at times the film managed to keep my interest all the way through. The acting is not 100% but it's pretty good. The dialogue is good, the relationship between Jason and Sam is believable. They are pretty likable characters.If you are a big horror movie fan of all budgets then give it a go, I never expect to much so as not to be disappointed. There's some gore which is quite gross at times with is pretty cool.

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The most promising scene in this was an obvious rip off from the evil dead remake. The rest of the movie is ruined by terrible sound and light effects. The dialogue by the four women are annoying and the audio goes from bad to worse.Some make up seemed O.K.but this also was only for one or two scenes and more silly than scary. They do use a lot of blood but in such a way that it looses meaning pretty fast because it don't really add to the movie. The movie relies to much on the ladies acting skills which is a huge mistake because non of them can.If they had focused on the creature it could have been something more but sadly they did not do that.It is the sort of movie where the pro's don't outweigh the con's and therefor the overall feel becomes totally forgettable.A waste of a movie for the big old B-movie pile.I can not recommend at own risk.

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When you watch this movie you need to look at the right things. Yeah it may be slow in spots. Yeah the acting can be painfully average at times. But look at the cinematography, the eerie colors used to set a surreal scene where you don't know what's reality and what isn't. The score is unreal, it suits the movie so well. It's simple and to the point and it was obviously done intentionally. So anyone who says the score is too repetitive or you don't get to see the creature.. you are missing the whole point. You are looking at the film completely wrong. You need to appreciate it for what it is. A slow suspenseful film that doesn't spoon feed you every little thing. If it did it would be just like a million other creature thrillers. This one shows you just enough to frustrate you in a good way and make you think. Good independent filmmaking with a few bumps in the script. Watch it and appreciate it for as a well made, original take on a creature feature

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This film, while currently it shows a poor rating, had me enthralled right to the climatic ending.You can't go into this film though thinking big effects and high budget because if thats the case you will be disappointed. Simply put it is not a A list movie and didn't have the big production behind it. But the quality of what was shot on a limited budget is remarkable.The story and the delivery from its actors especially Lauren Watson who in my mind was the standout and carried the film through some of the slower scenes, was realistic, and raw. Her delivery made me really feel for her character; especially through some of the more emotional scenes.While it was slow moving at times, I didn't find myself ever bored. I was always curious to how it would end and never once did I even get close to guessing the startling conclusion.If you can watch a film with an open mind then I recommend this one to you.

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