PG | 10 March 1972 (USA)
Frogs Trailers

Jason Crockett is an aging, grumpy, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for his birthday celebration. Pickett Smith is a free-lance photographer who is doing a pollution layout for an ecology magazine. Jason Crockett hates nature, poisoning anything that crawls on his property. On the night of his birthday the frogs and other members of nature begin to pay Crockett back.

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the audience applauded

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hyped garbage

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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A group of hapless victims celebrate a birthday on an island estate crawling with evil frogs.By no means should this be considered a good film, but it has a certain charm that is hard to replicate. American International made some gems, and this is one of them. Later it was picked up by MGM. And, I believe, a Blu-ray was released by Scream Factory. Though you can never have enough special features.Ray Milland is a joy to watch, whether in his best work ("Lost Weekend") or some of his worst. Indeed, towards the end of his career, he seemed to appear in just about anything. We also get Sam Elliott, though he is almost unrecognizable without his trademark mustache.

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I am a big monster movie fan and I have to say I was terrible disappointed by this movie. At an awful ending. It was Badly written. I can believe people like this movie. I pooh on this movie. It is one of the worst horror movies ever. It was not scary it was pooh pooh. I pooh pooh on this movie. Pooh pooh. Pooh pooh. Pooh pooh. Pooh pooh. Don't wast your money. Don't wast your time. Don't see this movie. It is a awful movie. Awful movie awful movie. This about frogs and bunch of other swam animals killing people. I don't have problem with that. If it was well written. But in is not. It was good concept. But a very bad movie.

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I watched "Frogs" a few years ago with my little Son (when he was much littler :)) and it got me remembering the other horror flix of the '50s, '60s and '70s that weren't really scary at all - unless you were a small child. However, what I remember most vividly about this movie, and, what I'll always remember most - 'the big smile on my Son's little face!' :)I particularly liked how the characters were 'on-vacation' visiting the family patriarch; as were the animals 'on-vacation' from all over the world visiting the island - a South American Tegu; a Southeast Asian Tokay Gecko; an American Yellow Ratsnake; and, best of all, the "Frogs" must have had a prior commitment as they were all played by 'toads'!?!? I've read many of the other comments written here, as well as on "YouTube:" and, I cannot understand how ANY adult, especially a horror-fan, could possibly take this movie even somewhat seriously by writing such mean things about it!?!? It's a cheaply-made, PG-rated, 'Drive-In,' "Kids' Movie," and, what I like to call a "Starter-Movie" for preteen future horror-movie buffs - it's not too scary for a child. Much in the way "Scooby-Doo" (1969) is a scary "Starter-Show" for toddlers.However...another 'great' thing about "Frogs" is that it's memorable enough to get 'haters' and 'dislikers' to come out of the woodwork in droves and spend otherwise valuable time writing paragraph-after-paragraph on how they can't stand this movie!?!? If 'anyone' is willing to 'waste' that much time writing about an old and forgotten movie that they saw decades ago which left mental-scares on them deep enough that they still feel them now...then, this must be a heck-of-a-movie in one or many ways! :DThe beauty of this movie is that a child cannot see all the technical mistakes or the silliness, and, wouldn't care anyway (lucky-them) - they're just enjoying the animals and the subtle fright! It keeps a child interested!A few years after watching this, even my own Son, whom I watched it with, began to see how 'cheesy' it is...once he graduated to "The Twilight Zone;" Stephen King movies; and, "REAL HORROR."PARENTAL ADVISORY - Watch this movie with your young child...the smile upon his/her face will make the experience of it very much more enjoyable for you!As an adult, I rate this movie 3. As a young child, I'd have rated it 10. As a parent watching it with my 'Happy Little Son' - it's a "10" all the way!Other than technical inaccuracies, it's good, clean fun for kids who seem to show an interest in not-too-scary horror movies!A "Starter-Movie" for young future horror-fans! :)

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Frogs is a so bad it's good movie. It is about a photographer who stumbles apon a family who are celebrating a man's birthday. Only the man is grouchy and hates nature. Only things start to go wrong when nature strikes back. The films is very cheesy and silly but it delivers some very effective chills. In one scene a man accidentally shoots himself in the leg. He is then attacked by tarantulas that drop onto him from above. He is then bitten multiple times and eventually killed by the venom. He is then covered in moss and webbing. The scene is actually quite frightening and one of the few scenes in the movie that is not goofy. Another death scene includes a man in a green house. Lizars knock over vials of poison and the poison creates a cloud. the man walks right into the cloud and suffocates. That scene is very silly. The other death scenes are either silly or frightening. This is also one of my favorite movies. The last scene in the movie is very creepy. This was obviously made on a very low budget. In one scene tape around a crocodile's (or alligator) mouth is visible. The movie is not very bloody at all. Some scenes contain blood though. Overall the movie is a very enjoyable experience.

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