Frame Of Mind
Frame Of Mind
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Frame Of Mind Trailers

A New Jersey police detective comes across new evidence in the Kennedy assassination.


Too much of everything

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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one of films for who the high expectations about a delicate subject represents its basic vulnerability. because it does not propose revelations. only a decent script about a plot, mysteries, search to the truth and obstacles. all - in decent manner, inspired in few scenes, realistic in many. the film is not a revelation and not a competitor against the classic films about same file, like J.F.K. . but it gives an interesting story. and this represents a real good thing.

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kai ringler

I thought that this was a well made low budget "b" movie . excellent acting,, premise,, well done for something that's been overdone in so many different ways for so many years.. I mean think about it,, it's actually plausible for someone who died many years ago,, to have saved something,, and an ancestor finds it after they die,, heck I found Kennedy Newspapers from 63,, Life Magazine,, right after he died,, I never knew my parents kept all that stuff, so yea I can totally buy that part. as for the movie itself,, it's definitely more than likely possible,, after watching the Marathon on the History Channel about 5 weeks ago,, I totally buy there was a conspiracy based on the open mike radio from the patrolmen from the motorcade,, tapes have been gone over and analyzed and proved that there were up to 5 shots that happened that day.. but the movie is very good,, I loved it because I'm an assassination buff,, and I love a good mystery,, and am a student of History,, if we don't learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it.

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This an engaging JFK assassination-related thriller that held my interest until the roughly edited and unbelievable final minutes. Mafia-related aspects fit one significant school of thinking on the assassination detailed in such books as CONTRACT ON America.CIA linkages implied are very plausible,fitting most conspiracy views and many students of the events might agree. Intriguing plot notion of finding information almost at random. Viewers of such films might consult Art Simon's DANGEROUS KNOWLEDGE for a survey of JFK assassination-related movies. Mostly good acting cast here is largely wasted. Individual inside CIA shown as behind plot seems completely unbelievable, especially given the time elapsed since 1963. A good cast of many familiar faces relevant to New Jersey setting (including a Sopranos cast member). Nice, low budget effort by writer/director/star. OK cable viewing that held this viewer's interest(though I am a long-time JFK assassination buff).

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frame of mind is good. its a b movie but don't let that put you off. the acting has its ups and downs but i would say more ups. when i saw the plot description on IMDb i thought "god no not another kennedy film" well i got a pleasant surprise it had me interested the whole movie through, the idea is good and quiet possible and believable and for a subject matter that has been done time and time again i think it was a brave movie to attempt.i consider myself a harsh critic of bad quality b movies and very rarely comment on this site but i think this movie apart from some of the acting flaws and low budget, had a lot of heart...hope you enjoy.

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