Flesh Wounds
Flesh Wounds
| 09 June 2011 (USA)

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On a remote U.S. Army facility a group of scientists vanish while conducting experiments with a top secret weapon. An elite covert ops team commanded by Lt. Tyler (Kevin Sorbo) is sent on a rescue mission that quickly turns deadly. With time running out and the death count rising, Tyler's team must hunt and destroy a predator unlike any they have ever encountered or become its next victim.


Amateur movie with Big budget

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Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,

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Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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As far as incredibly lame and shameless cheapo rip-offs of the almighty "Predator" are concerned, this astonishingly appalling dud rates as one of the all-time most blatant and laughable. A visibly worn-out Kevin Sorbo gives up the ghost early on and phones it in as the rugged leader of a ragtag group of special ops soldiers, Bookeem Woodbine goes way above and beyond the call of basic B-movie duty with his usual reliable solid pro work as the happy-go-lucky Jackie (yep, once again poor Bokeem buys ranch; has this guy ever done a film in which he's still alive at the end?), and petite blonde Heather Marie Marsden sure looks cute, but fails to convince as the scrappy'n'spunky token hot chick. Worse yet, Don Garcia's flat (non)direction fails to generate any much-needed tension or excitement, the Predator clone is some beefy guy covered in clunky metal stuff that appears to have been scrounged up from a local junkyard, the cheesy CGI and tacky gore are downright painful to behold, we've got clumsy use of slow motion, the members of Sorbo's crew are all a bunch of unlikable one-note macho meatheads, the jungle locations were apparently shot in somebody's backyard, the hopelessly derivative by-the-numbers script offers zero surprises, the redundant rattling score grates on the nerves something harsh, and the climactic fight between Sorbo and the cyborg super soldier is staged with all the finesse of an amateur back alley boxing match. The competent and energetic cinematography by Jim Lands makes this bilge look far better than it deserves to. A real stinker.

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Matt Kracht

I would just like to reiterate what my illustrious fellows have already said: this movie is total crap. Imagine if you took the script of Predator, replaced the Predator with a Universal Soldier, and then made him kill people in the same way as the alien in I Come In Peace. Basically, that's the entirety of this movie. Almost every scene is ripped off from Predator, with cheap, ripoff sound and visual effects.If you watch this for any reason, it's probably because Bokeem Woodbine and Kevin Sorbo. There was absolutely no way to salvage this movie, however, and neither actor looks excited about being here. I know that Sorbo's career has gone nowhere, but I would have thought that Bokeem Woodbine had better things to do.I have no problem with cheap, direct-to-video ripoffs of Alien, Predator, or Terminator. Like any other B movie junkie, I spent an inordinate amount of time watching low budget Charles Band movies in the 80s and 90s. I even liked quite a few of them. However, this movie makes even the worst Empire/Full Moon movie look like genius. And that is no small feat.

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If you pick this movie up expecting something new, you'll be heavily disappointed. The film carbon copies scenes from Predator, but less effectively due to its budget. There are some changes made to try and hide the obvious but they aren't positive in any way.The soldiers are bland clichés and attempts to give them personality fail. One guy's main thing is that he constantly proclaims everything is "bull****" which is about as endearing as a crying baby at a restaurant. At times, Kevin Sorbo looked bored. I can't blame him. At least this film probably paid his electric bill for a month. The only way I'd suggest you watch this is to keep a running tally of the moments mirrored from better films. Otherwise, save your money and time.

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Okay to watch if you are REALLY BORED and have run out of all other options, short of watching paint dry on a wall. This is a typical Predator-like remake with a group of awful actors and a couple of has beens,Kevin Sorbo(Hercules) and Bokeem Woodbine playing a ragtag group of "Black Ops" with a tag along "bad Azz" woman bureacrat who served in Nam etc. The woman character cycles between I'm tougher than nails and oops I broke a nail and a male black ops character that loves to use Southern clichés and dialect and cool phrases like "slicker than seaweed dipped in catfish grease." I've seen worse films but this is pretty awful. The Governator couldn't save this Predator remake.

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