Fires of Kuwait
Fires of Kuwait
| 09 June 1992 (USA)
Fires of Kuwait Trailers

After Saddam Hussein had the Kuwait Oil wells lit up, teams from all over the world fought those fires for months. They had to save the oil resources, as well as reduce air pollution. The different teams developed different techniques of extinguishing the fires. Man's emergency creativity can be seen at it's best.

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A Disappointing Continuation

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Brent Burkwell

More BS from the left, obviously the concentration on the "allied" attempts to stop the burning fields is intended to give credit where it is NOT due. The USA did the bulk of the work, mentioning the tank mounted twin Mig engines proves that the left wanted to take away the bulk of the credit from the USA and give it to less deserving nations. Hungary? Give me a break! The left seeks to alter history to fit their twisted view of the world, namely, capitalism=bad, communism/socialism/totalitarian regimes = the public good. If you are a thinking person, it doesn't take long to see through this propaganda. Utter BS, avoid at all costs.

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Rodrigo Amaro

The engulfing flames that hide the whole desertic scenario, leaving only the colors yellow and black result of the combination fire and smoke, present in "Jarhead" is just an example of what's to be seen in the great documentary "Fires of Kuwait". But the CGI composed image from Sam Mendes film doesn't get near the real dimension of what happened in the early 1990's when Saddam Hussein ordered the destruction of all the oil fields in Kuwait during the Golf War. It's disturbing images, the pollution and waste of resources, haunting, a hellish nightmare yet it's strangely beautiful, astounding, hypnotizing. It's a shame that technology still isn't able to make us feel what it is to be close to an event of this magnitude, to smell, to feel the heat. The closer we can get of this effect (or at least the lucky ones who saw it in the theaters) is just the images, fully developed in IMAX with outstanding resolution. From the tragedy, we get the spectacle of fumes. It's importance isn't wholly on the burning, it's about the team effort from people all over the world who coordinated and worked to extinguish the fires the best way they could. Their operation tested several different ways to combat the fire with one team using of water from pipelines (a team even tried to make a way to the ocean through the desert) and another team had a "The Wages of Fear" kind of mission, to put out fire with more fire by using dynamite. 9 months of extreme hard work, horrible conditions and a mission that seemed impossible. The challenge and the positive outcome of it, that's where the story is, that's why we join this real venture guided by the powerful voice of the great Rip Torn. 9/10

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It may not be fair to review this work from the DVD version rather than the IMAX adventure it was meant to be - the Warner DVD picture quality being uncomfortably compressed. Still, for a purely visual experience as this was meant to be, camera placement counts for a lot and David Douglas has nothing on Herzog's team. It's the difference between hack prose and epic poetry.Douglas' approach to the ruination of Kuwaiti oil fields juxtaposes the horrific fire geysers underneath didactic narration about firefighting (voiceover by the lackluster Rip Torn), reducing the impact to that of an in-house industry video or recruiting tool for the Army Corps of Engineers. After showing the colossal scale of environmental devastation, Douglas has the temerity to put a feel-good spin at the end, creating a bizarre agenda that is anything but convincing.

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Vishal Agrawal

There is no doubt that this documentary is visual treat and people who shot this documentary must have worked in a very unfriendly environment. The thing which remained with me is the method engineers used to put out the fire. Using a dynamite to put out fire. That's something I couldn't have imagined. How water has to be used and where to throw it etc. I like the idea of putting a sealing at the opening with an open funnel while keep throwing water on that funnel and then finally close that funnel from the top. Fantastic. It seems when these engineers started working on this project they thought it will take years to kill the fire in 700 wells. They finished the job in months. A documentation of the triumph of human imagination and its capabilities. A must watch for engineering students. 10/10.

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