| 25 October 1993 (USA)
Firepower Trailers

In the year 2007, crime has risen at an exponential rate. Once highly populated metropolises such as Los Angeles are no longer inhabitable. These cities have transformed into "Hell Zones," ruled by violent street gangs. The Hell Zone, formerly called the "Zone of Personal Freedom," is a safe-haven for criminal warpaths everywhere. This Hell Zone in LA is controlled by a criminal mastermind named Drexal (Joseph Ruskin). For the sake of entertaining his crowds of decadent losers and underlings, Drexal has staged a series of lethal, no-holds-barred matches in the "Death Ring," where the winner takes all of the glory...while the defeated one shall lose his self-respect (or maybe just his head). Meanwhile, two brave cops, Braniff (Chad McQueen), and Sledge (Gary Daniels) must risk their badges...and their lives when they enter Los Angeles's "Hell Zone."


Best movie ever!

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Frank Markland

Chad McQueen and Gary Daniels star as 21st century cops (This was obviously made in the 20th century) who fight a giant lummox who is the king of cage matches, also on hand is a fake AIDs cure and science fiction elements which make NO sense at all. One of the great things about my PM binge is that i'm revisiting movies from my past that have long vanished from my void I call a memory, of the last four movies i've reviewed it's only one that I saw for the first time. (The Underground) However this Chad McQueen/Gary Daniels dud is a movie that I wish I could forget. I seriously don't remember this movie being so awful. The fight sequences in particular are terrible beyond belief. Chad McQueen is so slow and lackluster as a martial artist that he looks like he belongs in a Road House sequel, it's hard to believe the man was trained by Chuck Norris. Steve McQueen's son also has marginal charisma, lacking most of his father's screen presence. Thesping-wise, he's only slightly better than Gary Daniels. However there is no question who outshines McQueen on the martial arts side of things, Daniels has fast reflexes,stylish kicks and great technique. McQueen looks slow and so it's contrived that he's the main martial artist. In the end this is just a very dull exercise in low budget science fiction and a prime example why Chad McQueen is lower on the action food-chain than even David Bradley. Avoid it, unless you're a huge Gary Daniels fan.* out of 4-(Bad)

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So directors, explain yourself. Why did you call this movie firepower when the story has NOTHING to do with firepower, huh???With that out of the way, this movie sux. The basic story is that the cops have made a 'zone of personal freedom' in the middle of LA, where there is no police assistance provided. But, those crafty criminals (i thought it would have been pretty obvious), they commit crimes and then run and hide in hellzone. So anyway, one time, the most feared gang leader, the swordsman (ooooohhhhh) is arrested and then his crooks break him out of jail in a bloody attack on the police station. Then, these two cops decide they have no choice but to go in after them.This is where the movie loses it completely. Why the hell do they need to go in after the crooks into hellzone? Basically, they arrive, see a fighting ring, watch for 10 minutes (the audience is treated to the whole 10 minutes of fighting), and then completely forget about their mission of revenge and decide that their only option is to enter the death ring competition and FIGHT! Apparently this is to infiltrate the baddies (like ANYONE cares, its actually legal anyway), but they achieve nothing as they have numerous oppurtunities to get the baddies. So basically, the ENTIRE movie is fighting. Yep, they soon jettison the story and have non stop death ring matches. I guess i should have seen it coming with a WWF wrestler, but still.........Anyway, to sum it up i wrote a haiku:This movie sux hard It has no story and that what a crap movie.I hope this assists you in making the decision not to watch it (not that you'll be able to find it anyway........)

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This is one of those actions that is hardly heard of at all, it's very low budget and is below the likes that B-grade actioners like Olivier Gruner, Lorenzo Lamas and Billy Blanks, it is more like a Z movie but is suprisingly entertaining. The plot is average for an action film but there are some good sub plots like the search for an AIDS vaccine. The acting is poor, Gary Daniels sporting a Status Quo like hair do and putting on a ridiculous Aussie accent, as for Chad Mcqueen( yes son of steve) he puts on a good performance and almost looks worthy of an upgrade to the Seagal,Lundgren and Van Damme B movie categary. The real star of the show was Jim Hellweg (WWF Great the ultimate warrior) who although has about 2 or 3 lines, one of which is a grunt,he really does have a powerful onscreen presence and looks very menacing. At least the writers didn't make the same mistake other's have done when casting wrestlers in films by giving them, too much dialogue. Another good thing about the Ultimate one is he does all his own stunts and fighting in this which Hulk Hogan does'nt in his films, and for a laugh i urge you to watch some of the Hulksters films to see the amount of work is done by a stunt double some of which was pathetic and which a one legged 80 year old arthritic would probably have done( Hulks film Secret agent club is the best example, for example blokes with rubber bald patches put on their head just to collide with a wall or do a kick with just a bit of agility needed). Any way firepower is average by B-action standards and the fights are pretty i apologize to all hulk-a-maniacs( he did throw himself about in the wrestling)

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This is one of those films that falls under the category of "so bad it's good". This is a piece of pungent cheese of the sort that shows up regularly on MST3K, rife with laughable acting and wafer-thin plot. It takes place in not-so-distant future Los Angeles, where a desperate metropolis has tried to deal with rampant crime by creating a "Zone of Personal Freedom" in the middle of the city, where basically anything goes. Of course, this doesn't work, and a shipment of AIDS vaccine is hijacked and taken into the Zone. Two tough LA cops go undercover to find it, and the plotline is quickly lost as they become fighters in this weird Thunderdome-like gladiator tournament run by the guy who (surprise) stole the vaccine. Terribly bad, but a whole lot of fun to watch and laugh at. Two bright spots are martial arts action hero Gary Daniels as the only cop in LA with an Australian accent, and Jeff Hellwig (pro wrestling's Ultimate Warrior) as a tournament combatant. He's only got two lines in the whole movie ("Get me out of here now!" and "Arrrrrgh!") but he delivers them better than anyone else in the film.

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