Feeding Frenzy
Feeding Frenzy
| 11 October 2010 (USA)
Feeding Frenzy Trailers

A mysterious old man named Mr. Plinkett is keeping a deep dark secret locked away in the basement of a small-town hardware store: vicious, flesh-eating creatures with a mysterious past. Once these creatures escape, all hell breaks loose and it's up to Jesse, an incompetent hardware store employee, to stop them from turning the town into a feeding frenzy!


not as good as all the hype

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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This film was a lot of fun for me to watch. The filmography and effects were really good for an armature filmmakers project. The lighting during the action and horror sequences was very well pulled off. The story is fun and I found myself really caring about the characters. However my only complaint with this film were the jokes. A lot of really cleaver jokes fall a bit flat due to the tone and sightly off comedic timing.Overall this was a very fun watch and I would recommend it to all aspiring small film fans and of course to all fans of RLM. I have found that this film is best enjoyed with a group friends.

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Feeding Frenzy is a very enjoyable b-movie from the Redlettermedia guys, Mike Stoklasa and Jay Bauman. You might know them for the 70 minute Star Wars reviews or their shows Half in the Bag and Best of the Worst, if you aren't aware of those shows, you're missing out. Their shows are the best on the internet.Feeding Frenzy was done with no money before they really hit their stride with the Plinkett reviews but there are glimpses of talent sprinkled all over Feeding Frenzy. The puppet monsters definitely look like they were made with barely any money but the movie has lots of charm and heart. The story isn't award winning but it's better told than the majority of no budget movies and there's lots of funny jokes. Hopefully won't be the last we hear of these guys, they could really do something great with more money in their hands.

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J Smith (Spike_the_Cactus)

Feeding Frenzy is a film that is caught between a rock and a hard place.On one hand the core group involved constitutes the members of Red Letter Media - the highly entertaining collective of individuals that have made a series of brilliant film reviews and shorts that manage to traverse the thin line between informative and comedic critique. As such they have built up a passionate but as yet marginal fan base - one that is tuned in to the various in-jokes and unsaid references. In other words Mr Plinkett already has a bit of a reputation.On the other hand they have looked to make a film that could appeal to the 'uninitiated' by following certain obligatory film-making rules, and by deliberately looking to tone down the more esoteric in-jokes (though Jay's 'this T-shirt is an in-joke' T-shirt threatens to spin the whole precarious situation into a paradoxical whirlpool).Ultimately I feel that they have managed to do a great job. Considering the low budget they had this is a fantastic achievement. It's a well written, well directed, funny, and entertaining film, and I'll certainly recommend it to any friends of mine that still have a sense of humour left.Perhaps I'm too much of a fan of RLM (and especially 'Half in the Bag'), but I was naturally drawn to the performances of Jay and Mike. They struck me as the stand-out performances,and I'd love to see them willing to give themselves more prominent roles in these films. They're clearly both natural actors on screen, and the simple fact is that the more they appear, the funnier their films will be, and the more entertained we will be as a result.What I don't want to do by praising Jay and Mike is do a disservice to Gillian and Ron. I thought Gillian was superb in the role of the disinterested love interest. Some of my biggest 'LOL' moments were down to her. As for Ron - well I'll be lying if I say I didn't find his acting questionable at the beginning of the film - however he improves a lot as the film progresses, and by the end I could easily understand why he was right for the part.In summary this is a lovingly made, consistently amusing homage to the video horror movies of the 80s. It could easily descend into schlock, but instead is full of some wonderful touches of comical brilliance and classy directing.Watch it right in your face.

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I purchased this movie for one reason, I liked the Mr. Plinkett character and wanted to see what they could do with him in a feature film. However, he doesn't actually have a lot of screen time in the movie. The focus of the film is obviously Jesse and Christine. When Plinkett is actually on screen, he is far creepier than his movie reviewing persona. Usually I want to sympathize with the villain a little bit (that old cliché of the villain you love to hate), but you don't really get that until the end of the movie. By then, you've kinda settled on disliking Mr. Plinkett. Watching this movie without expectations, and/or while drunk or high is advisable.If you're an aspiring filmmaker or a student of film, then this will amaze you. It's a whole movie with plenty of creativity and innovation. Corny and stupid at times, but have you seen Transformers 2? Transformers 2 had a budget of 2 trillion dollars, and all you get is Shia LaBeouf rolling around in aluminum foil for 3 hours. If Feeding Frenzy had an A-list star in the leading role, it would have made 100 million dollars the first weekend of a general release.If you're a filmmaker, buy the DVD. If you're a film lover, buy the DVD. If you're a passive film-goer and enjoyed The Hangover, this isn't your cup of tea.

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