Fatal Deviation
Fatal Deviation
| 01 January 1998 (USA)
Fatal Deviation Trailers

A young kenpo karate martial artist returns home after ten years in reform school on a quest to find out who murdered his father. He is befriended by an old monk and a local Irish beauty. His search takes him to the prestigious Bealtaine Martial Arts Tournament. Together with his past, the good guy is drawn into conflict with the local drug baron and his son, and the conflict makes the young man face his father's death in a way he could never have imagined.


Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess

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A Disappointing Continuation

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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I don't know how the Irish martial arts cinematic scene is doing, these days, but I would not be surprised if the last 17 years have not been enough time to recover from this debacle. To be certain, FATAL DEVIATION – apparently the first Irish martial arts film – is a no-budget feature that deserves some slack given its obvious limitations, but I just couldn't find any fun in it to justify a higher rating. This is a simple movie made with the most basic means, but unless you like "bad" films for the sake of badness, I can't recommend it to you.The story: A young martial artist (James Bennett) returns to his hometown to avenge the death of his father at the hands of a murderous drug lord (Michael Regan).The only substantial thing the film has to its credit is its lead star. James looks great and has some cool moves, and I was genuinely surprised to realize that he's had nothing resembling a solo career since this picture...but then I remembered that the world already has a Jean-Claude Van Damme. Admittedly, no Caucasian karate star can avoid being compared to Van Damme, but both Bennett and the filmmakers go out of their way to make this as much of a JCVD homage/knockoff as possible. Bennett's character (1) must avenge a family member, (2) enters a tournament, (3) is trained by a master, (4) performs the splits, (5) performs helicopter kicks, and (6) must topple an unbeatable opponent.* Aside from such general resemblances, there are several blatant lifts from HARD TARGET, and man! – does it ever look silly to see these guys trying to ape John Woo's style without a penny to their name.However, the vast majority of the film is unambitious to a fault. On one hand, I commend the filmmakers for knowing their limitations and keeping the plot as basic as possible, but on the other, it's disappointing that they did not exploit the creative freedom intrinsic to indie filmmaking a little more. But perhaps I am asking for too much, because these guys really don't have much to work with: there isn't a skilled actor among the cast and the technical limitations of the filming equipment are apparent in every poorly-lit and color-blinking shot. The fight scenes are the only aspect captured with anything resembling flair, but despite their quantity, few fights are filmed well enough to stand out and few fighters other than Bennett have enough screen time to make an impression.Despite its short runtime, FATAL DEVIATION has a meandering pace that makes it a chore to watch, and the odd pop-polka soundtrack certainly did not help me pass the time faster. Simply stated, this movie is no triumph. While I would be delighted to see James Bennett headline another feature, I desperately hope for any kind of a budget for the poor guy.*Credit to the original "Van Damme Checklist" belongs to Jason of Amazon.com.

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I watched this movie recently. When it was over I sat in silence, thinking. Although I come from the town where it was shot, I had never watched it before. Parts yes, but never in its entirety. I would recommend it to anyone even remotely interested in making movies and especially those who as yet, are not completely lost to the cold logical grip of cynicism; it may just bring you back from the edge. I continued sitting in silence, wondering what it was about the movie that had so taken the reigns of my thoughts. I replayed the gritty fight scenes in my head, and the beautifully naive love triangle. The awkward line delivery and the wonderfully spiritual woodland scenes and inventive use of locations. And then it hit me; I felt like I had been looking at the sun without realizing where the light was coming from. It was James Bennett.Fatal Deviation lends some insight into a personal journey, of a road chosen and taken that has a far greater resonance than the negative derision that has resounded rather unfairly in my opinion from some of the movies obvious constraints; a journey that has embryonic dreams fuelled by a powerful heart and an "iron will" that refuses to say no. James Bennett hunts his dreams with a rocket launcher. And to be honest, in my opinion, the man should be regarded as an inspiration.Remember your classics? Dickens wrote about people like him. And speaking of classics, "No retreat No Surrender" probably one of the most underrated martial arts movies of all time springs to mind. I doubt if James will ever settle for meagre rations. I think he will always ask for more... It's easy for some to stand in shadows, sum up an individual by their "so called" failures; it's harder for those same to bring those failures into the light; because bound only by fracturing testimony, we know most would crumble beneath even modest scrutiny. In the shadows, the finger never rotates inwards. I know because I lived there for a very long time. I give it an 8/10.Fatal Deviation was filmed in and around Trim Co, Meath.James Bennett has a slew of credited and uncredited work, and is appearing with Johnny Depp and Timothy Hutton in a new movie about "The Lone Ranger".You got dreams? Don't sit there and complain, or mock the decent people. Either get up or shut up. Or perhaps take a page from James... hunt them down with a rocket launcher.

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Too call this film an Oscar winning performance is an understatement. Bennett has the qualities of a master, more agile than Bruce Lee but with the funny bone of Jackie Chan. From moon kicks to standing on logs he can do it all. From a young age he was trained in one of the finest schools in Europe, the school of Bennett in Trim. His dad was a master of the sport and has always been proud of his son, he is now and he was then. His first and only film "Fatal Deviation" reached box office success with packed out shows in his home town of Trim. Hes his own stunt man and cos of his recklessness his friends dubbed him "Johnny Square Ass". Hes so crazy he even did his own car stunt in which he nearly died, yes hes that mental! So crazy in fact that after the stunt he gets out and laughs, what a guy!!My friends and I have watched this over 50 times minimum and still watch it bi monthly. It is without a doubt my favourite film of all time and a piece of Irish film history, way better than your Michael Collins or any other wannabe Irish movie. If your looking for authenticity well then look no further.This film makes me proud of my country..It makes me sad that the guy down below that gave this piece of brave film making a 1/10, obviously s/he just doesn't get the films plot and insane action. Its probably not Hollywood enough for him but if you can appreciate a film for its roaming shots of rural life, tricky martial art stunts, harrowing love interests and som eof the finest acting this side of the world, well then take a seat, open your eyes and set your mind to stun.(p.s: the priest can still be seen roaming the church grounds but only "after training").

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Excellent acting by good guy jimmy(i'm going to be the next jean claude van damme) bennett and the evil gang boss played by brilliant solicitor michael regan, who when they're delivering lines such as "Fuck you and your gun, ya prick" and "wouldn't that be sweet?!" seem so natural it defies the fact that this is their movie debut.My only gripes with this movie are that it isn't longer and didn't have any sequels. If the makers of this timeless classic read this and many internet blogs on this legendary movie surely they'll realise that a DVD release would sell brilliantly online, surely then funding a much sought after sequel. Well done lads!

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