Extraction Day
Extraction Day
| 28 February 2015 (USA)
Extraction Day Trailers

Jacob Bradley wakes up in a warehouse in the midst of a tactical raid, with no memory and no idea who he is. He is found by a young woman who helps him escape, and tells him that no matter what happens, he must survive. A terrorist organization is on the cusp of releasing a virus. They have provided the antidote to only a select few, to ensure the recreation of a utopian world and before he lost his memory, Jacob was one of the few people who had discovered the details. If they are to survive, he needs to rebuild the pieces of his past. They find themselves in a race for survival, for themselves and the rest of mankind, that will demand everything they have, and reveal that Jacob has always been closer to the truth then anyone ever thought.


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Casey Duggan

It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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Friend of mine picked this up at Wal-Mart...Came on here to see some of the actor's names and saw the awful reviews. Just wanted to say that I liked it a lot....indeed, film got better as it went on...would love to know the actual budget since everyone seems to be talking about it...Lead actor (Jacob?) looks like the real deal. Fight scenes reminded me of the older movies I grew up watching....Pretty sure this film is from Canada which is pretty neat to see...Spoiler warning!!!...I don't know why they killed off the girl though? Seemed odd to me...dah well...So...was it an 8/10? probably not but I didn't think it was fair to see a couple 1's on here....6/10 is a more accurate score I think...I used to make films so I cant' stand when people bash a film just because ...

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Joe Carlson

How do I hate this movie? Let me count the ways... (Sorry, Ms. Browning) ...This movie is a steaming, stinking, bloated pile of ca ca and I'm sure some one is going to come along and condemn me for saying this. All I ask of a movie is that it entertain me, but if that doesn't happen in the first fifteen minutes, it's dead to me. The 'acting' makes 'Snakes On A Plane' look Shakespearian in comparison (and I'm referring to the acting of the snakes, not the humans) the story is muddled, befuddled, addled, and atrocious. Even the popcorn in the theater was lousy that day. A day at the dentist who drills without Novocaine would have been preferable.

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qqwe qweetr

This movie is so morbidly bad, its not even funny. It feels like someone is trying to punk you and see how long you will last watching it. Everything, and I cant stress this enough - everything - is just horrible in this 'movie'.Casting, acting, writing, camera work, and music are so bad, its not even funny. You can only cringe so much until you just press stop and you cant take this insult on your senses any longer.I don't need any more lines to convey this message.

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OK,I have to write a minimum of 10 lines, so here goes.I wish I could review this movie in a word or two, but that's not possible.Here are a few words that I could use.Garbage, stinks on ice, very very bad, waste of time, one of the worst movies to ever have been made.Acting...see above paragraph.Direction, who knows. With a script like this, and the brainless actors, who knows.Being a musician, I usually enjoy the back-round score. Here, our composer did the best he could with the trash he was given to work with.It always amazes me that crap like this gets the bucks to fund it.I guess our hero's all slept with the producers more than once.The only enjoyment this vomit of a film gave me, is writing this review.I hope this review lets you spend an hour and a half of your life watching something better.Hell, with this movie, anything you watch would be better.

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