Exterminator City
Exterminator City
| 28 June 2005 (USA)
Exterminator City Trailers

The Year is 2027. A robot pest controller turned serial killer has embarked on a murderous rampage, carving his way through the population of Atro City. Following in the wake of his destruction are a tough robot homicide detective and a sinister robot psychiatrist. Their investigation will take them on a terrifying journey into a twisted technological nightmare, more terrifying than you can ever imagine.


disgusting, overrated, pointless

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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I really don't know where to start.. this movie is so bad...But I couldn't turn it off.We have a psycho killer robot on a killing spree which apparently only huge breasted really hot chicks live in the future,no men no skinny bitches just curvy goddesses. The Actors are really bad robo puppets with very little dialog. I assume the creators weren't expecting us to take this work too seriously considering they kept script tiny and breasts huge but they kept it moving about every 3 minutes another beauty was killed and repeat.The gore and blood looked like it was done in my kitchen.Having said all this bad stuff i had to see it through "hey i figure the crew had to"

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I don't even know where to start with this one. It's a terrible film on so many levels, rather tedious in its execution, but you somehow don't want to take your eyes off it. This is low-budget cheese for fans of that type of stuff.I knew I was in for a treat when the opening credits roll through. You basically see a handful or less of male names in the credits, but about 25 women's names. Some of them were along the lines of "Syn Devil". I was starting to think this was actually a porn. As it turns out, I guess a lot of these women actually do porn for their day jobs.This takes place in the future, where evidently the only humans alive are those who are female, skanky, and have massive breasts. Is this "the future" or is this "heaven"? I'll let you decide.Anyway, you got a robot psycho who goes on a killing spree. All these women get hacked up in various gory ways. The gore itself is pretty cheesy, but passable for a laugh. On the psycho's tail is a robot detective and his buddy.A massive robot sword fight takes place, and I"m pretty sure it's the greatest thing I've ever witnessed. You gotta see it to believe it.I applaud the camera man in this film. I've never seen a movie where there are so many pointless shots of the outside of buildings. I think one building in particular has about 20 shots of it. Seems like every time somebody is talking, the camera MUST show the building they are in, haha.I don't know what else I can say. If you'd read this far, you'd probably already made up your mind whether or not you'll want to watch this one. Just be prepared for a lot of cheese, a lot of boobs, a lot of retarded-looking robot puppets, an excellent swordfight, and a lot of amateur looking gore.There is really nothing out there like this one. Check it out!

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Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* "Exterminator City" must be a joke. I can't believe anybody would make this and think it should be taken even remotely seriously. There are two separate movies going on here. The real "Exterminator City" is a robot puppet show. A robot has gone insane and has to kill all of the large breasted women he can find. This leads to the second "Exterminator City" movie. There are many scenes of topless women lounging around their apartment and then getting killed by the robot. Here's the joke: The two movies never meet! The topless chicks never see a robot puppet and the puppets don't see the ladies! Well, the ladies pretend to see a deranged robot attacking them but they never do. It all leads to a lot of unconvincing screaming and bad acting as they giggle and smile their way through their death scenes.If there's one thing you can say about "Exterminator City", it's that it's consistent. Every couple of scenes repeat themselves in an endless loop of robots talking, topless woman hanging out, insane robot enters room and then kills woman. "Exterminator City" feels like it was made to show off the puppets and the naked women scenes were tacked on later. You have to give the movie some credit for dragging all of these women into their puppet show. Julie Strain shows up as does Brinke Stevens. Strain goes topless but Stevens does not. I can't believe the robot would even bother killing a clothed woman. That's out of character for him. The last robot victim is a huge breasted mistress with a whip. I didn't catch her name but she was probably the right sized lady to end this flick."Exterminator City" is a uniquely terrible movie. It's cheap and ridiculous but it holds fast to its conviction that puppets and topless women go well together. After the fifth or sixth naked woman got killed, I found myself drifting in and out of this movie. However, it may be worth checking out just to see how many naked women they can stuff into one crazed robot movie.

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Never before have I seen assembled into one movie so many humongously breasted women. Remarkable! I gather the movie's more about the breasts than anything else, which is fine. It was a little confusing figuring out who was who in the beginning because the robots all looked pretty similar (cheesy robot masks with moving jaws almost carelessly placed atop suits and ties that are hanging on coat hangers). Also, the editing was pretty choppy and the blood and gore were filmed at a separate time from the murder scene and were on a completely limited budget, so it kinda' looked like a buxom woman looking towards the camera and screaming (about 50 times), then a quick cut to some scene in a butcher shop. This disconnect made the movie seem not very gory, even though I guess if you bought what they were selling, it was pretty gory.Props for the writer/director for actually adhering to a plot throughout. Some of the dialog and accents were a little contrived, hokey and derivative, but were also vaguely amusing at times.If you're a man who likes big breasts and are gonna have a couple like-minded buddies over for some beers, this could be a good one to watch.

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