Evil Spawn
Evil Spawn
| 01 September 1987 (USA)
Evil Spawn Trailers

Microbes are brought back to earth via a space probe from Venus. A scientist is using them in experiments on aging, but dies before the work is finished. His assistant approaches an aging actress who is being passed by for the lead roles, and she injects the serum hoping to become young again. When the actress is still passed up for the plum roles, the alien bacterium transforms her into a hideous bug-like alien resulting in a predictable attrition problem amongst her detractors.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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brilliant actors, brilliant editing

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Boy, does this astonishingly awful direct-to-video late 80's low budget horror abomination commit all the so-utterly-wretched-that-they're-weirdly-wonderful trash movie vices. For starters, the central premise is basically an ungodly blend of "Sunset Boulevard" and your typically tacky Grade Z 50's type deadly monster picture done with 80's style gore, nudity and profanity to make it seem more "modern": Faded over-the-hill former big film star Lynn Roman (atrociously played by buxom blonde babe Bobbie Bresee of "Mausoleam" fame) takes a special experimental anti-aging serum to make herself look young again. Naturally, there's a nasty side effect: the serum causes Lynn to mutate into a lethal giant humanoid insect beast which predictably bumps off a few folks. Kenneth J. Hall's pathetic (mis)direction, Hall's equally dismal script (Hall is the same genius dreck feature scribe who penned the brilliant screenplay for "Nightmare Sisters"), Christopher Condon's endearingly crude'n'clunky cinematography, the dreadful dialogue ("Aren't they the ones who do those schlocky low budget films in Italy?"), the cheesy gore, nil suspense, sluggish pacing, terrible acting, a laughably hokey some-poor-guy-in-an-obvious-rubber-suit monster, Paul Natzke's annoyingly droning synthesizer score, and even a heavy-handed morale about the perils of vanity ensure that this hilariously horrendous honey is an absolute campy hoot from start to finish. Better still, Bresee takes a steamy shower and the exquisitely ample brunette knockout Pamela Gilbert goes skinny-dipping prior to being killed by the creature. An extremely feeble John Carradine has a very sad cameo as a doddering old fuddy dud of a mad scientist and Forrest J. Ackerman makes a fleeting appearance as a pool cleaner. As Lynn so aptly puts it early on in the movie: "This sounds like something out of a bad science fiction film." And indeed that's exactly what this sublimely shoddy stinker is.

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Joseph P. Ulibas

Evil Spawn (1987) was a cheaply produced film that reeks of poverty. You have a good premise but it's faulty execution has no real pay off. A couple of good scenes does not a movie make. Too bad, because the actresses were good looking (especially the brunette) and the idea was solid. Maybe they should have a better story writer and a little more imagination. I saw this movie a few years ago at a Mr. Video store (rest in peace). Back then the cheesy video cover screamed cheap-cheap. I should have listened to my head instead of my eyes. Oh well. Perhaps a film-maker with more on the ball would make a better production.An aging actress will do anything to look young again (my advice is to stay out of the sun lady). So she comes across a crazy old scientist and his shady associate. He's working on an experimental formula that'll reduce the signs of aging (the good doctor should have used a little dab himself me thinks). But before he can work out all of the "bugs", tragedy occurs but that doesn't stop the old B-Queen from using it.The story might sound interesting but please stay away unless YOU REALLY like bad movies. Because there is really no need for someone (or anyone) to watch this "movie". Maybe next time they should concentrate more on the adult aspect of the storyline.Best to avoid.If it wasn't for the hot brunette this one would get a zero or a negative rating.

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Where to begin?First, you have little or no coherent plot (it was only due to this site I found out about the spore thing), a mad scientist who isn't so much mad as decrepit, special effects that aren't and seemingly random characters who stumble into the dire mess with little or no regard for coherency.As a final warning to people, consider this cautionary tale: On the British video release, it says on the back cover "The scenes depicted on this sleeve may be an artist's impression & may not necessarily represent actual scenes from the film". Hurm. Presumably this is so they can't get sued by the thousands of raging customers demanding a real film.

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Like all Nite Owl Theater DVDs, this Fred Olan Ray film is a mess of tired special effects, poor acting, and nudity. There's a weak plot about a beautiful aging actress who turns into a six and a half foot tall rubber monster that rips people up here and there. There's a detective or something and a scientist or something..that doesn't really matter if you're just waiting to see a bare body in a following scene because that's all there is here. A cheap soap opera with pathetic monsters. There's alot of entertaining alien films out there..this isn't one of them.

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