Escape from Safehaven
Escape from Safehaven
R | 23 October 1988 (USA)
Escape from Safehaven Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic world, a family seeks refuge in Safehaven, a community protected from the ravages of the outside world by a contingency of armed guards. However, once they settle into Safehaven, they discover that the guards run the community with an iron fist, and their brutal tactics have spawned a resistance movement that tries to enlist the aid of the new arrivals.

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Lack of good storyline.

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Excellent, a Must See

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Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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I just ran across this, saw the imdb rating and it had two completely different reviews, so decided to check it out.Bad acting, Bad lighting, good costumes, confined set pieces, mediocre camera work, about 5-6 topless women (who can't act), some of the fight scenes were ok and the rest were bad. Not much story developmentall in all not really worth watching, especially when U compare it to decent independent movies that are coming out today.also this film in no shape or form stacks up to the better movies of its genre and movie era

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I have watched this movie maybe 20 times and I still enjoy it. It is one of the forgotten diamonds the movie industry has to offer. The actors are very convincing, i do not understand why they never got any big Hollywood blockbuster signings. So go ahead and watch this forgotten masterpiece, that is if you can find one because it is only available on VHS.

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Its fundamental premise is not without interest within this film's storyline: in a dystopian future, urban enclaves would be established called safehavens, for common protection of selected inhabitants, although how these should obtain food, utility services, et alia, is not considered. Nor is the work overall done well, for although budgetary restraints obviously hinder the production, it is yet more ostensible that the script, acting and, in particular, unfocussed direction present too many burdens to surmount. Apparently shot in a portion of the Bronx undergoing "urban renewal", the action opens with a family of four, the Colts, including two adult offspring, which has been hopeful of gaining sanctuary in Safehaven #186, arriving there after the Colt application for entrance has been accepted by the commune's management. Feelings of relief that the Colts enjoy at their new refuge are blighted in short order when they find that the mercenaries who have been hired to protect dwellers have become autocratic rulers of the safehaven while gaining pleasure from savagely hectoring all who live there. Owing to this cruel treatment, a rebellious faction of safehaven tenants has clandestinely organized resistance, joined by a former mercenary played by Rick Gianasi who heroically becomes the only possible liberator for the depressed safehaven residents, expressly so for the outspoken Colts who are singled out for brutal punishment by the despots. For some in the cast, it is their only film credit, but along with this inexperience is flaccid direction that often centers upon scenes of harsh violence and aimless sexual perversion at the expense of scenario continuity. One feels appreciation for those worthies of the crew who serve the picture with imaginative production and costume design, albeit to little avail in the face of a poor script and weak helmsmanship.

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