| 15 October 2006 (USA)
Elipsis Trailers

Parallel and fragmented stories are linked by the relationship between the famous actor and his friend Sebastian Castillo Galo Vidal, a frustrated fashion designer. The roles are reversed as a result of decisions made each of them. Sebastian's life is now in chaos, while the Galo is a success. Their lives are again when Sebastian goes to Gaul for help and the two embark on a journey that will put their friendship and their lives at stake.


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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This should be one of the best movies ever made in Venezuela.You can see traces of Christopher Nolan's all over the movie. In every cut, every shoot, every take. This should be considered as a worship for Memento. No doubt about it.If you liked Memento, then you will find Ellipsis quite amusing. Although it has the same "movie elements", it's a completely different the story line. And contains good fun moments with a witty humor rarely seeing in a venezuelan movie. And for the first time, there is no nudity! Way to go. There is drama, action, an impressive performance from the actors. You change your expectation every five minutes. It has an excellent story and excellent direction. And the end... you just have to see it by yourself.

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Diego M

Don't waste your time on this one. Clever advertising and $$$ couldn't save this from being one of the biggest flops in the history of Venezuelan cinema. It has a weak script, bad acting and although it was beautifully filmed on HD, the movie looks like a Tide commercial. I gave it two stars just because Seu Jorge is in the movie. I find it incredible that people rate this with 10 stars. Is this really the best movie you have seen? Now I understand why Venezuelan cinema can be so mediocre, the lack of self criticism is incredible..... I f you want to see good Venezuelan films, watch El pez que fuma and Araya. Stay away from the rest.

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I'm not accustomed to writing Internet comments, but after seeing this film in Mexico, I feel compelled to do so. The premise of the story lies on the relationship of two central characters that are brought together by the consequences of their choices. Their achievements and shortcomings shape the plot. Interesting, as this may seem, much of the story is lost in the inconsistencies of the script and the lack of film criteria. Only one performance stands tall in the aftermath, and that is Erich Wildpret's. It takes a great actor to survive such circumstances (poor script, poor directing, poor editing). To acknowledge this fact is the main reason for writing this comment.

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We all have seen a lot of movies which get you thinking "if only they have done this or that, if only this actor had done his job..." and so on. I have to say that in this one, my first thought was "This is a great work, for a 3rd semester student". The visuals, the interesting changes between shots, the sets, almost everything but the story and the acting made me think of an unexperienced director and though they are not very convincing -have you ever seen news interviews with no signs all over the screen????- they did show me the will of accomplishing a good job, only fell short in many cases. The acting has, with the noticeably exception of the drug dealer and the gallery curator, the worst part in this movie. Although in a number of scenes you can see convincing acting, all the top-model-looking women have no good parts to do something with them, nor seem to be able to act at all. They convinced me they are top models, and were given this job by their agents, and brought all their own make-up to their scenes. Sad. It is a brave and heroic deed to make a motion picture with small budgets, poor distribution, and a number of challenges that have nothing to do with the actual making of the movie. Usually I think one has to believe sincerely in your own work to get past all that. Having that in mind, the whole story, and all the "twists" at the end, seem to me a slim reason to go through all the process. If you are curious or have the time, or if something of this movie appeals to you, go and see it... but I wouldn't recommend it. 4/10

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