Ein Sommer in Paris
Ein Sommer in Paris
| 14 May 2011 (USA)
Ein Sommer in Paris Trailers

Clara and her boyfriend break up their relationship in Paris. She stays a few days in the city, where he meets a man who offers her work. But, unexpectedly, love again knocking on her door.


Charming and brutal

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)

Right at the beginning of this film there is a quote about somebody having tried everything to succeed with all the clichés there are. This has to be the most ironic moment in movie history as this also applies 100% to everybody who had something to do with this film, especially director Jorgo Papavassiliou or the writer duo, one of which worked on "Manta, Manta" over 20 years ago already. Another ironic moment is when the mother of the central male character watches an allegedly cheesy television show at one point. The dialogs are schmaltzy beyond belief, the action is completely unrealistic and the characters are so gooey that you can't even eat as much as you want to throw up.The nonsense starts right away when the female lead character randomly leaves her boyfriend because she does not want to move with him to Berlin after she wanted to marry him only minutes earlier. Unreal. Of course she has a new love interest only minutes later in a city where she is a complete stranger and knows nobody. Then there is some talk about her inner clock ticking and the sad thing is many women may even identify with that if they see this movie. If you think the dialogs are bad at the beginning already wait till the two main characters begin to talk with sexual references later on. Something died inside of me. Whoever greenlit this film should never have to say a word in the film industry. Ever again. If there is anything good about this film, it is that Dobra does look much younger than she actually is, so at least age-wise the relationship could work with Aleardi's character. And that at least Peter Fitz (rip) showed some talent here and there. But obviously he can't save the script and weak performances and direction on his own, especially as the schmaltzy love story he was in was almost worse than the main story between the two younger actors.I am genuinely scared when I see that Papavassiliou has another "A Summer in"- film coming out for 2015. Looks like there is quite a few of them already. So yeah, please do not watch "A Summer in Paris". Worthless 90 minutes.

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