Edges of Darkness
Edges of Darkness
NR | 22 September 2008 (USA)
Edges of Darkness Trailers

Three interconnected tales of terror set against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse.


What makes it different from others?

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Brother O

I've never shied away from a really bad horror movie (Zombiez, Ghosts Don't Exist, The Sick and The Dead) and this one didn't disappoint, thank goodness. It was 87 minutes of being on an edge of plots but they were way to far in the distance to recognize them. There were three story lines; 1) the couple whose marriage was not going well because the dude was on the computer all the time while a zombie apocalypse was going on outside (later the computer became an alien life form that eventually sprouted roots and killed his wife who dreamed of dancing with zombies), 2) the vampire couple who captured a female to feed on but she turned out to be some anti-vampire, 3) a kick-butt girl who is a wannabe Alice (from Resident Evil) and gets hooked up with the Anti-Christ. None of the three story lines actually crossed paths, except that they were living in a zombie apocalypse. It was 87 minutes of incredible lack of direction, no plot and some really weird scripting. If you like movies with no plot and no clear ending, this is a great movie for you. One of the best lines in the movie, "There's m-f arm bones in the front yard!" I gave this one star because the videography/camera angles and video transitions are well done. This is a keeper for my "Crappy Movies" collection.

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Theo Robertson

This features several story threads set around a zombie apocalypse and for a low budget zombie horror film it does succeed in having an apocalyptic tone . It's both bleak and depressing as the film paints a scenario where zombies are about to replace humanity as the dominant species of Earth . Compare the atmosphere seen here with something like AUTUMN and you'll see how well directors Blaine Cade and Jason Horton have done in making the audience feel that the end of the world is genuinely taking place . Unfortunately they shoot themselves in the foot with their screenplay The film has three story strands 1 ) Catholic priests quest to execute a 12 year old boy who they consider to be the anti-Christ responsible for the apocalypse 2 ) A vampire couple protect a young woman if she'll allow them access to some of her blood 3 ) A couple whose marriage is on the rocks due to the husband's obsession with writing horror stories The problem is that these strands often don't tie in with the central story , try to do too much or suddenly change tone . The priests trying to find the anti-Christ child who is being protected by a Lara Croft clone could have and should have been the central focus of the narrative . The other two subplots often lack explanation and logic . The young woman in the care of the vampires is not what she seems but it's never satisfactorily revealed who or what she is . Considering humanity is about to become extinct why would anyone have a motivation for writing stories since it's obvious there's no one to sell the stories to . This subplot isn't helped by the fact that there's yet another subplot going on where the computer itself is becoming a sentient being that needs energy from other living things to remain alive ! There's so many things going on the stories that it could have kept the film company going in plots for a whole decade . This means the entire film ends up becoming totally unfocused and confused which is a great pity since EDGES OF DARKNESS has a genuinely downbeat and nihilistic atmosphere rarely seen in low budget zombie horror films

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I saw this movie with the knowledge, that this was the worst movie ever. That shouldn't be a problem. A bad movie can be a movie that's so bad, it is good again. Or so bad, that it is just plain funny. This film was just painfully bad. The story doesn't make any sense. You have absolutely no idea who the people are and what they are doing. After a good start with destroyed zombies every where, there is no action at all. And when there's action it happens outside the camera. They're talking, and talking and talking and you have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. I had the idea that they made a movie and after that they left the movie on the cutting room floor and put all the outtakes together. The movie looks bad, like they made every mistake in film-making on purpose. All above should-en't be a problem if the movie is at least fun to watch, because of all this mistakes, but it isn't. It's all heavy set drama. Every character has problems, are depressed and they're talking about it. Even the zombies are depressed and talking about there problems! The filmmakers took themselves way too serious. Like they really wanted to tell something and give a message to the world. Is there nothing good to tell about this movie? Some of the actors really can act. Especially the older actor. The old zombie and the oldest priest have a voice that is very pleasant to hear. They could use them for voice acting. But it doesn't feel right in this movie. Good acting was way misplaced in a bad movie. I felt sorry for the actors who maybe hoped to show their acting skills in a movie, but ended in one big boring nonsense I hope they had fun making this movie, because if you make a no budget movie, it should be fun to make with no expectations, that it's going to be a good movie. Than it is fun to watch.

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Do not be fooled by this movies brilliant DVD cover. I was in the movie store and there it was, a new zombie flick (I love zombie flicks. Can never seem to get enough of them) and on the cover was a hot female in torn clothes boots and ripped fishnets standing on a pile of rubble surrounded by zombies and she's holding a pistol down at them. The title of the movie 'Edges of Darkness' in the background behind her head with the tag line 'so many zombies, so little time' underneath. SWEET! I thought. Turned it over and the hot chick is wielding an axe and there are nothing but zombies other than her. Looked like a good and cheesy action flick. I have never been so disappointed. It starts of pretty decent. You can tell it's a low budget production, but that never bothers me. We see lots of zombies and then we get into these 3 tales that don't make any sense or have really anything to do with zombies. SPOILER ALERT. First story is a about this "warrior" woman (I think this is the girl on the DVD case as far a I can tell. If it is the photo shopped the hell out of her) helping some mother and her son. She then finds out some priest are trying to kill the boy because they think he's the anti-Christ. The second is about this computer obsessed husband who ignores his wife who talks to herself. Then the computer starts coming alive. The last one is about this couple who kidnap this woman and want to drink her blood but some unknown reason that's never found out her blood starts poisoning them. The whole movie you just want a zombie to kill all of them. No one dies from a zombie. OK, that's a lie, some random people at the beginning who have no lines do, but that's it. There are no likable characters, mashed up non-sensible plots, boring sets (seriously looked like the whole thing was shot in dorm rooms and show houses. Every room was white and empty except one room that was covered in graffiti), unfocused camera work, and a bad soundtrack. Do not waste your time or money on this movie. Watching my hands prune in a bath is more interesting

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