Eagle's Claws
Eagle's Claws
| 01 January 1977 (USA)
Eagle's Claws Trailers

After the Mantis Fist school attacks the Eagle's Claw school and leaves their teacher for dead, the dying master passes over his senior student, Chen Tien Chun, to anoint his second most senior pupil, Lee Cheh, as new master. Dejected, Chen joins the Mantis Fist school and wins the affection of his new master's daughter, while his former schoolmates plot revenge.


Redundant and unnecessary.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Best line of the movie, imho - "We both know you don't have the ability to match me" (CKC to Jimmy Lee Lung Fong). Chow Ma Wu (Chang Yi) tries his best to eliminate the Eagle Claw School. He has, after all, Beardy, Ma Cheng and Phillip Ko Fei to help him.The mortally injured Eagle Claw Master, Yang Chung, passes the torch on to Li Chi (Don Wong Tao), his # 2 rather than to Chen Tien Chun (Chi Kuan Chun), his #1. An enraged and very inebriated Chen kills his master, gets kicked out, fights with both his classmates and Chow's minions with a dagger plunged between his shoulder blades, and joins up with Chow, making him an all around traitor to his former mates. Chow teaches Mantis style to Chen, who becomes a "trusted" minion. A major red flag occurs when Chow is told Chen goes to a Brothel. (Come on, CKC in a brothel and he's not there to rescue someone?). The truth is revealed with the marvelous finale fight. Chow thinks he has the upper hand and underestimates Chen. A fatal mistake. There is not a Kung Fu style in existence that CKC cannot learn and incorporate into his repertoire to kick some major butt.

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Another kung fu cheapie made in Taiwan and starring Don Wong. This one's about a couple of rival schools each of whom specialise in their own distinctive style: the first is a proponent of the 'Eagle Claw' technique while the second goes in for the 'Praying Mantis' approach. Unfortunately the 'Praying Mantis' school is presided over by a cruel master who decides with the aid of his students to attack and destroy the innocent members of the 'Eagle's Claw' school.This is a straightforward basher with plenty of thumping action taking place within enclosed sets. The characters are a visual bunch of white-haired masters and classy female fighters, along with the upstanding heroes in the usual Bruce Lee mould. A great deal of the running time is made up of melodrama with betrayals and whatnot filling the screen. Chang Yi essays another master villain role behind the bushy hair and Don Wong's hero proves his mettle. The action is of a generally average to good standard although the production never equals the heights of something like THE Chinese BOXER, which is no surprise given the low budget.

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The movie opens with demonstrations and narration. At the kung fu school the guys are clowning around. Suddenly, White Eyebrows and gang return for revenge against the master. They mortally wound him. Some of the students go for hasty revenge. Before he dies the master makes Don Wong the new head of the school, not the senior student. There is also a book with three new techniques. Big brother (Chi Kuan-Chun) gets angry drunk, is cast out, and allies with the enemy. He is forced to prove his loyalty by killing his former brothers. Then there is a twist that I will not mention. Sure, a movie this old certainly has no secrets. I watched it once before I re-watched it for this review and I felt that knowing the plot twist had me scrutinizing each scene for consistency and sort of ruined it.Nevertheless I rate it about average for very good fight scenes and drama that never had a dull moment from start to finish.

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This movie is one of my favorite classics.The movie starts out with a great intro giving you a good look at the Eagle's Claw technique and it's many styles used.I think it's a plus when a movie gives the viewer a great intro since most of us are strangers to the world of kung fu.Very little fooling around with corny comedy in this movie.So your not in for much of a laugh.I loved Chang Yi's robe and oriental fighting boots giving him an evil and dominant look.Thumbs up for the costume designers in this movie.Lot's of practice and training scenes at the Eagle's Claw school,Mantis Fist, also featured.If you happen to like teacher student movies and fighting trying to accomplish your Kung Fu to get to the top this one is sure to please you!Some movies like Invincible Armor,Hot Cool and the vicious are movies where the fighter or fighters are already at full strength and at there peek in fighting and you pretty much now how good every fighters Kung Fu is already.Here in Eagle's Claw you start at the bottom and work your way up by training and hard work to defeat the evil villain Chang Yi.This movie also gives you a good plot for a Kung Fu movie.Good twists and surprises as the movie ends.A must see!

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