Dreaming Purple Neon
Dreaming Purple Neon
| 31 October 2016 (USA)
Dreaming Purple Neon Trailers

Dallas returns home after years away to try to reconnect with his ex Denise. Cat steals her boss Ray Ray's stash of "Purple Neon" and goes to meet Denise at her boss's office. Ray Ray and Tyrone follow her there, looking for his drugs while a demonic cult is operating out of the basement trying to raise demons by using the drug to bridge the gap between the land of the living and Hell.

Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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From the beginning of the low budget horror movie Dreaming Purple Neon, two things are obvious; One, this is a well made movie where care has been taken to give the production real quality. Second, this has an actual story to tell. It is not just another slasher movie and has more going on than a typical splatter mess. Not to say that there isn't a huge amount of nasty gore and bloodletting. There is more here than probably a few horror movies combined, but there is also care given to characters and a pretty complicated set up. It takes about 15 minutes or so to introduce the characters and lay the groundwork for all that follows. One good thing is that it moves very fast. Not one frame seems wasted here and the dialogue in the movie is fun and memorable. The performances, while not award winning, are pleasantly organic for the most part. The bad guys are over the top and that adds to charm.And what follows is pure horror bedlam. Once all our characters converge and interact, things take a very crazy turn and it never stops. A relentless display of effective shocks, creepy atmosphere some actual suspense, Dreaming Purple Neon takes so many twists and turns that at one point I paused the film to catch my breath and collect my thoughts, reflecting on what I had seen. It wasn't because the film is confusing, it is more that it really moves at a fast pace and so much is happening that I really wanted to take a minute to let it sink in. Actually, it is a very linear and easy to understand story with so much going on and I never got lost. But most fans of these type of movies do not watch for deep characters or complex story lines. They want to know if the film delivers the thrills, gore and nastiness that director Todd Sheets is known for. It does. In fact, gore is abundant throughout the film. One super gross out scene in particular is so over the top in it's chunky excess that I could barely rewind it to watch again. A couple of times. My ass still hurts. There are very few movies today that walk the line between horror and exploitation as well as this one does. For all the graphic scenes of violence this film contains, at its heart there is a wink-and-a-nod sensibility that has the viewer both rooting for the bad guys and waiting gleefully for their comeuppance.. And they do that in ways that I not will spoil here. The blood is plentiful and shocking and the special effects are pretty nasty and impressive. As this movie gets closer and closer to the ending, I honestly had no idea where it would go next. It is one of the most pleasing films in that regard. You can not predict the nest scene. Every new door hides new craziness. And the ending was perfect, but I honestly never knew it was coming. And then there's Gene Simmons. In a movie full of twists and surprises, that scene tops everything else and is worth waiting for. Trust me. Best ending in a movie all year. As a matter of fact, that part alone has made the whole movie shoot up my list and I would call it my favorite low budget film of 2016. Todd Sheets has done an exceptional job here, crafting a tight thrill ride that is ambitious, original and really over the top. He has done it all with a budget so small that you would not believe it. It's barely enough to buy a good HD TV to watch it on. The lighting and style remind me of horror flicks of the 70s and 80s but also of the old Italian horror movies like Suspiria. But that is not to say it is just a retro rehash. The real pleasure comes from watching a low budget filmmaker who truly has a grasp of their craft, who actually knows how to make a movie, attempt to get as much as possible from a good location and a tiny budget. It is a fantastic horror film that embraces the lack of money and uses new ideas and audacious gore to embrace the low budget horror crowd. This is unpredictable horror and is undoubtedly an impressive achievement.

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Thomas Berdinski

I honestly did not believe there was that much fake blood and latex left in the world!!! Of course, I'm talking about Todd Sheets's latest and greatest splat-tacular, "Dreaming Purple Neon" – His most joyously gross film to date (even I had to turn away a few times!) filled with demons, gore, nudity and highly creative kills – All paced with the pedal to the metal for the full run time! But that isn't even the best part: Todd gives us an amazingly original story with a fine ensemble cast highlighted by the devilishly scenery-chewing Cyrus (Jack McCord), an attractive yet flawed heroine Katriona (Millie Milan) and the always charismatic Antwoine Steele as Ray Ray, the 'almost' hero...! Other highlights include what might be Toshi Hiraoka's best soundtrack (please put out a soundtrack CD), impressive digital effects and Todd's best lighting and photography to date! If you long for a throwback to classic Satanic cult movies, but always wanted them to be more exciting, more fantastical and MUCH GORIER, then THIS is your movie - I loved it!

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Expect No Mercy from this movie! I was simply amazed by its bloody outrageousness. For audiences unaware, this film will be a shock, a kick in the ass to people that are used to the current slate of "safe" horror films that plague our cinemas. You will be treated with gruesome moments which certainly make you cringe and wince, you may cover your eyes or even gasp. This movie goes all the way in more ways than one! Director Todd Sheets brings us his latest indie horror movie and Dreaming Purple Neon is full of sights and sounds that will certainly stick in my mind for a long time to come. Amidst this insane bloody mess, the movie somehow works in a pretty convincing romance between two likable characters we care about that ends up fairly well done, not forced. All of the "Hero" characters actually come off pretty realistic and natural. No one is over the top and the performances are kind of subdued, like real people would act. The bad guys on the other hand tear through the scenery with chaotic glee, and every time they are on the screen I found myself grinning and laughing. They are seriously fun with some GREAT one liners and dialogue.Dreaming Purple Neon really worked for me. It was an engine firing on all cylinders. It was actually one of the best Low, low, maybe even MICRO budget films I have seen in years. What director, writer, producer, cameraman and editor Todd Sheets and his cast and crew do with such little money is incredible. They make up for lack of funds with imagination, ingenuity and obviously very hard work and attention to things like Camera shots, lighting and set design. In this age of movies playing it safe and being politically correct, this is truly one of the most ridiculous, over-the-top, blood and body fluid soaked messes in modern horror cinema. The blood spurts out of necks, backs, mouths, heads, throats, asses and pretty much any place you can think of, and maybe some you would NEVER think of, in angry geysers like an exploding volcano. By the end of the movie, a simple office building and basement have been transformed into one of the slimiest slaughterhouses ever shown in a film. Thank you to the talented people involved for making one of the most entertaining movies I have witnessed in a long time. A fun, wild, entertaining ride. Those interested in super-polished, Hollywood style Horror should take note: This movie plays like an homage to Drive In Movies and the VHS horror films of yesterday. And it is all the better for it.Recommended!!!!!

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Caught the world premiere screening of DREAMING PURPLE NEON and I must say I was surprised. Having seen the trailer, I really looked forward to seeing the whole film. The trailer was pretty nostalgic really, with a ton of gore and old school charm. I figured I should not get my hopes too high because there was no way the film would live up to this trailer. I was wrong. Not only did the film give me all I had hoped for, it went further than I thought. This film was truly a great Halloween gift for those in attendance. The story is epic, with twists and turns aplenty.I found DREAMING PURPLE NEON to be a visually stunning film, that also has the distinction of being Mr. Sheets most ambitious project to date. He pulls out all the stops here, creating one of the most visually arresting and brave micro budget films ever made. Everything is designed to hit the viewer with maximum effect. It's truly such a beautifully shot film. And Todd really piles on the shocks on this film. Buckets upon buckets of blood and gore, with several show-stopping effects sequences all done with little or no money. In fact, as the effects get more and more ambitious, the unreal mayhem that the Effects Team pulls off is nothing short of maddening brilliance. This truly is a film that kicks into maximum overdrive about 15 minutes in and never stops. Todd Sheets lays waste to about every taboo you can think of, making no excuses and pulling no punches. Yet with all the insanity happening, the story never loses focus, the film never derails. The film is an unrelenting splatterfest for sure, but there is a playfulness to Todd's direction that really makes me smile. This is like an ultimate party film, a true love letter to the Horror genre that is an incredible fun and wild ride.At the heart of DREAMING PURPLE NEON there is a very effecting love story going on, and before you die hard Horror freaks roll your eyes, think of the classic "Dead Alive." Another great Horror flick with a romantic center that delivered the Horror. Though very different, this film has something similar to offer. The characters are very well defined for a splatter movie, making you actually care when all hell literally breaks loose. I was impressed with the sincerity and honesty in the performance of the two leads, Jeremy Edwards and Eli DeGeer in bringing this relationship to life. It seems real, not forced, not hokey. I also really enjoyed all the villains in the film, the main baddie Cyrus Archer played with menace and humor by Jack McCord, Tyrone Kane played by Ricky Farr and his sidekick RayRay, played perfectly by long time Todd Sheets alumni Antwoine Steele were highlights of the film, and of course the two Demons - the Queen and her minion The Demoness. The supporting cast were equally strong, with Millie Milan a highlight as well. I was also very impressed with Jerry, the caretaker and henchman for Cyrus Archer. He chews scenery with a vicious attitude and a dark streak of humor.Watching DREAMING PURPLE NEON with an audience was a TRULY amazing experience. The minute I thought that the film makers could not possibly go any farther "over the top" than they already had, something else happened that made me stare at the screen in astonishment and shock. This is a VERY original movie with a huge heart, crafted with love and care by a group of people that truly love Horror movies. It is modern and different but still nostalgic. Much like infusing his previous film, "House of Forbidden Secrets," with his love of Italian Horror, Todd Sheets has brought the VHS Generation into the new modern age of Horror, bringing us an homage to the classics of yesterday that also throws new ideas and images at the audience, many of them this reviewer has never experienced before. Track it down, plop your butt in a seat and be prepared for an incredible wild ride done with quality and passion. While shocking and likely to be quite upsetting in many ways for modern PC audiences, the viewer senses that the director has no agenda other than to entertain us and give us a good time. If you are a Horror fan, you should not miss it.

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