Dirty Movie
Dirty Movie
R | 15 February 2011 (USA)
Dirty Movie Trailers

An outrageous cut-rate producer is about to fulfill his lifelong dream to make a movie about the most offensive, dirtiest jokes ever told. As Charlie and his filmmaking team hilariously struggle to write a script and assemble their award-winning cast, the movie-within-a-movie emerges with one dirty joke after another. Only one can take the crown for writing the dirtiest joke ever told, and Charlie will do whatever he can to be that king.


Wonderful character development!

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Truly Dreadful Film

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Better Late Then Never

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There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.

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It's Bold movie I give it that It's funny movie Shocking a bet I didn't appreciate making children say adult jokes But in general it made me laugh It's moqing the movie,s industry Using shocking jokes and scenes This movie could be a great movie if it had better casting and writing

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A producer walks into a building to pitch the idea for making a movie made up of dirty jokes. And they make it. That is literally the plot to this movie and it's absolutely terrible.There is no reason for this movie to even exist. Get a bunch of friends together and go around the circle telling dirty and offensive jokes and occasionally open a Playboy magazine and stare at some naked women. It'll be the same thing and you'll have saved some money and time.Don't bother with this unless you're 12 because I think that's the only age where you'd find this funny.

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What a piece of DUSTBIN!I too watched this all the way thru, basically because i admire Chris Meloni and thought-foolishly -that there would be some point emerge by the end. More fool me!I wonder about Chris Meloni's involvement. After all those years on SVU and also OZ. I found myself wondering about the child actor involved in this trash. Where do they find these kids that say such foul language- does anybody care about the long term effects?I prefer the kids in The Narnia chronicles. IT did not bring a smile or a chuckle to my face. The nudity is all female and one wonders about the exploitation of women. Don't waste your time-there is NOTHING worth while about this piece of trash.Last night I was working out and this came on again, forgetting how bad I had found it from my previous viewing I continued to watch it for a while. God's it is SO BAD! I now notice that the talented Chris Meloni was a Co- Director, obviously his talents do not lie with choosing material. So he has no one to blame but himself. At least he has the sense to make himself look unrecognizable, but then one wants to ask "Why did you make this movie and then add insult to injury by not even looking like yourself?" When one considers his sterling work in OZ and Law & Order SUV, one wonders why he would include scenes with a young boy-one would assume not even the bearer of pubic hair and have this child discuss wanting to get "laid" and other sleazy lines. If I lured a child into my home and spoke such trash with him, I would probably end up on the sex offender's listIf I was Chris Meloni, I would view this film as a HUGE MISTAKE and Embarressment. FOR SHAME!

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Are you kidding me? A movie about people wanting to make a movie with nothing but jokes? This have got to be the weakest plot and storyline ever!Nevertheless, I did sit through the entire movie. And I will give the movie this much that many of the jokes were actually good and funny. But the whole point of the movie was pointless and a waste of time. Perhaps that was what was intended. But wow!Most noteworthy in "Dirty Movie" was Christopher Meloni (playing producer Charlie LaRue). He was hilarious, and he was well helped along the way by Mario Cantone (playing the producer).There was also a lot of really unnecessary nudity in the movie, which brought the movie down a notch. It was tacky and just didn't serve the movie well.For a National Lampoon movie, then "Dirty Movie" was a very weak experience. Sure there were some good laughs at some of the jokes, but the overall impression of this movie is that it wasn't a movie that was necessary to have been made, much less released onto the market. But hey, I guess there is a niche for every weird and bizarre taste. If you like comedies, there are a lot of more nice and interesting comedies available, even other National Lampoon ones.

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