Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
R | 23 December 1971 (USA)
Dirty Harry Trailers

When a madman dubbed 'Scorpio' terrorizes San Francisco, hard-nosed cop, Harry Callahan – famous for his take-no-prisoners approach to law enforcement – is tasked with hunting down the psychopath.


Wonderful character development!

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Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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'DIRTY HARRY' was directed by Don Siegel and stars Clint Eastwood, Andrew Robinson and Reni Santoni. ​After a woman gets shot in a pool, it's up to Inspector Harry Callahan(Clint Eastwood) - Dirty Harry - to hunt down her killer, who threatens to kill one more every day until he gets $100,000.I understand that a six may seem harsh for the movie, considering the cult status it has achieved. And let me just clarify, I wholeheartedly recommend you see this movie; it definitely deserves a watch. It is a solid, interesting, DISPOSABLE thriller. But that is it's big flaw. It is just disposable. Obviously, there are some memorable and amazing moments but the plot drags it down for me.Expanding on that point, I love the concept of some serial killer manipulating a city into giving him money but I think the film throws too many 'twists and turns' to make it seem more intelligent than it is. I'd rather they stick with the, possibly cliché, story of Dirty Harry hunting down Scorpio, rather than try to make the plot more complicated. Probably just my personal preference but I still consider it some form of flaw. As a whole, it is very enjoyable but it just isn't that well structured or written.Another thing I wasn't a fan of was the climax. With the exception of some truly badass moments and scenes, it just felt rushed as a whole. The location is different and interesting but the way they UTILISE it wasn't. I didn't want a huge giant climax featuring tanks, fire and the Death Star(Yeah I know Star Wars wasn't released yet) because action wasn't the focus and I understand that. I just would have rather they either changed the premise of the climax entirely, or put a little more effort in. I do love the final minute or two, however.Clint Eastwood was amazing as Dirty Harry and I think this is his most iconic role. He really owns the character and knows the perfect mix of being likable and loathsome, to make a tough guy cop. Harry is a very interesting and well written protagonist. I am very happy his past was left in his past because that gives him a level of mystery and intrigue, which I hope isn't spoiled in the sequels when I watch them.Andrew Robinson is great as the eerily insane an terrifying Scorpio. Scorpio was genuinely threatening and scary. He was a classic loathsome villain, with no levels of likability or charisma. He was just classically bad and I really like that.Reni Santoni was passable as Chico Gonzalez. Gonzalez was just a bland and boring character. He had no qualities to make him interesting . Him and Callahan had NO chemistry and I really don't understand why he was even in the movie.The cinematography and editing was pretty solid for the most. It looked fine. I do have some issues with the lighting, however. It got too dark for me at points and it was pretty hard to see. The costume design was perfectly passable.This movie contains one of the greatest one liners in cinema history. I wont write it here because it will take too long but you need to see the movie just to see this line put to good use. As stated prior, this movie is a perfectly disposable thriller. I do recommend you watch it, however. I'll rate this film 6 'LUCKY PUNKS' out of 10.

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M. M

Popularity of works like Dirty Harry is more about the wave it created in a genre of it's own type (here thriller Genre), for this reason when someone writes about films like dirty harry must face the wave that film has unleashed and this is not fair. A work should be first analyzed independently to indicate its inherent values. Dirty harry is initially quiet entertaining work. The only aim the director had was entertain the viewers while producing the film, a job Don Siegel has fairly successfully done. Film wholly revolves around Clint Eastwood and it is his charisma that has kept dirty harry standing; Perhaps imagining someone other than Eastwood in the role of harry and gaining this amount of popularity for the film is completely vain. The biggest drawback to this movie is the villain pole of story(Scorpio). A character which hasn't been developed properly. It is very weak character. Opposing someone with this level of intelligence and ability (just compare Scorpio's intelligence and ability with zodiac's, it is said Scorpio's character inspired by his character and actions) for ransom (100000$ or 200000$) with the heads of a big city is eccentric and idiotic. The script does not provide any information about the biography and features of this character. The amount of information Which is scheduled to be presented about this serial killer,played by a weak actor for this role (Andrew Robinson) in this job is powerless and unsuccessful. To me it is strange why a professional director like don Siegel has used such an inept actor for villain role of his film. Perhaps if both the character and acting the villain role had been effective a better balance between positive and negative poles of the story would have been created and we would have a better movie. Since the first mission of the cinema and a movie is entertainment Dirty Harry must be respected; of course adequate respect, not exaggerated one. 7/10

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Inspector 'Dirty Harry' Callahan (Clint Eastwood) is assigned to one of his toughest cases when he finds himself having to track down a notorious serial killer simply known as Scorpio. Scorpio leaves a letter at the scene of his first crime threatening to kill again unless he receives $100,000. What follows is a cat and mouse game between Scorpio and Harry but in this game Harry is determined to win and will do whatever it takes to bring Scorpio to justice.Between 1971 and 2016 there have been many cop type films and over the years we have seen many similar 'Harry Callahan' type police officers being portrayed on film. However, Dirty Harry was a very early example of a bad-ass cop who's prepared to bend or break the rules in order to get his man but, to my knowledge, no film has ever given us a cop who's quite so iconic and cool as Dirty Harry Callahan. Part of the reason this film succeeds lies with Eastwood himself and what he brought to the role; there's nobody else quite like him when it comes to tough-talking through gritted teeth and he's also capable of giving icy stares that at times can be quite unnerving. I think the important distinction to make with Harry is that he's a 'bad-ass' cop rather than a 'bad' cop; he isn't afraid to break the rules in order to do what he feels is right, but he also knows when to hold back and never allows his judgement to be clouded even in the most extreme of circumstances. For these reasons it's easy to have a vested interest in Callahan's dogged pursuit of Scorpio as more often than not we find a police officer doing a lot of things wrong but for all the right reasons. Of course every 'bad-ass' cop needs a bad-ass villain to contend with and this is where Andrew Robinson comes into play; Robinson was not a big actor (and sadly never seemed to become one either) and therefore going up against Eastwood (who was quite well-established at this point in his career) must have been quite a daunting task, but Robinson acquits himself to the role very well and manages to be chilling, menacing and ever so slightly sociopathic. According to the trivia section Robinson received death threats after his performance in Dirty Harry which just goes to show that a lot of people were so convinced by his performance that they must have forgot that he was acting!!!Director Don Siegel gives the film plenty of energy and keeps the film moving at a fair old lick; the screenplay also includes some humorous moments (I loved the unorthodox approach that Harry used to try to prevent someone from jumping off a high-rise building). Harry's general contempt for authority made many of his scenes with The Mayor and The Chief very enjoyable. To top it all off Dirty Harry also has a very exciting finale with one of the best closing lines to a film that I've ever seen.Anyone who is a fan of Eastwood really should watch this as not only is this one of his best films but he's also playing one of the best characters to grace the cinema screen (I genuinely can't think of a cooler character than Harry Callahan). Many cop films with similar bad-ass cops have followed, but few (if any) have been as good as Dirty Harry.

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Dirty Harry is directed by Don Siegel, has a screenplay by Harry Julian Fink and R.M Fink and music by Lalo Schifrin. The film stars Clint Eastwood, Andrew J. Robinson, Reni Santoni, Harry Guardino and John Vernon.A thrilling and brutal film, featuring Clint Eastwood at his very best. Eastwood makes Callahan tough, dedicated, funny and extremely outspoken.Harry's actions may seem terrible to some people but there are some things in this world that can only be fought and destroyed by dishing out violence. Scorpio cannot be reasoned with and is extremely dangerous, discussing his issues and trying to understand his motives is pointless, he needs to be stopped and Harry is the one who can do it. He may be reviled by those he protects but if they were threatened and his methods could save them they would welcome Harry with open arms. He's a character who's needed but isn't all that likable.In San Francisco a psychotic killer calling himself Scorpio (Andrew J. Robinson)is killing random people. He demands money or he will continue killing, he even threatens the lives of children.The city Mayor is willing to pay him off but maverick Detective Harry Callahan(Clint Eastwood)intends to stop him by any means necessary. Harry seemingly hates everyone, he voices some pretty shocking views and conforms to no rules, Harry's colleagues have given him the nickname of Dirty Harry and Harry's new partner Chico(Reni Santoni)tries to work out why he is called that. When Scorpio kidnaps a teenage girl, Harry must race against time to try and save her.Eastwood is at his best here playing a real badass, he gets to deliver many iconic lines, including the unforgettable "Do I feel lucky" scene. I think this will be the film he's destined to be remembered for the most.A young Andrew J. Robinson is terrifying as the deranged killer, he's always been good at playing such characters and he's so intense and chilling in this.There's some interesting photography, a creepy score by Schifrin and unforgettable performances and characters. Dirty Harry was followed by several sequels, they're all pretty good but the first one is the best I think.

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