| 01 January 1962 (USA)
Dilemma Trailers

Respectable schoolmaster returns from work on the eve of a wedding anniversary holiday to find a strange man dead in their bathroom and his wife missing.


Who payed the critics

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Lack of good storyline.

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Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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I really liked this unusually-plotted British thriller, which is full to the brim of suspense and black comedy which really makes it work. It's one of those 'hide the corpse' type tales (the South Korean effort A HARD DAY was similar but far more elaborate) with a distinctly British slant to it. Peter Halliday plays an ordinary husband who makes a living as a music teacher. He returns to his home in the suburbs one day to find his wife missing and a bloodied corpse in the bathroom. What better way to resolve the situation than to bury the corpse under his living room floor? That's the plot in a nutshell, but the surprisingly humorous execution is what makes this really work. Halliday is a delight as the increasingly stressed out protagonist, and I was delighted by the typically English way he keeps getting interrupted in his work by all sorts of people, particularly Patricia Burke's nosy neighbour. The eventual solving of the mystery is a little ahead of its time (I don't remember cocaine being utilised in British films too much during this time) but it's the execution that makes this little film shine.

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Chris Gaskin

Dilemma came on Channel 5 some time ago and I was pleased I taped it. It is quite an obscure movie.A school teacher returns home from work and finds the dead body of a man in the bathroom. He doesn't know how it got there. His wife is missing as well, so there could be some connection here. He wraps the body with the shower curtain and takes it downstairs where he eventually digs up the floorboards in the living room. He keeps getting interrupted though, by a nosey neighbour, a blind piano tuner and a young boy who has come for his weekly piano lesson. He buries the corpse eventually and puts the floorboards back. His wife then arrives. What does she Know?This is quite a good little movie and the nosey neighbour is a typical occurrence in the UK. There are some where I live. The piano tuner being blind is a little far fetched though.Look out for Dilemma on TV listings. Not bad at all.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.

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The film is enjoyable to watch.The reactions of the 60's characters to murder is fascinating, including the strange actions of the man.A classic performance of a nosy neighbour too.

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Cheapo British B-picture which does not live up to its description. The initial premise is interesting enough, but any "thrills" are dissipated by the slack plotting. The "surprise" ending is signalled well before the end.

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