Die zertanzten Schuhe
Die zertanzten Schuhe
| 26 December 2011 (USA)
Die zertanzten Schuhe Trailers

Twelve princesses sleep in twelve beds in the same room; every night their doors are securely locked, but in the morning their shoes are found to be worn through as if they had been dancing all night. The king, in mourning, promises his kingdom and a daughter to any man who can discover the princesses'secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be put to death.


An Exercise In Nonsense

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)

"Die zertanzten Schuhe" is a German television movie that aired first during the holidays 2011, so this one recently had its 5th anniversary and if you know a bit about the Brothers Grimm and their fairy tales, then maybe you already recognized the name. this is one of the many work by them that got adapted in recent years for the small screen here in Germany, by ARD and ZDF usually. And also as usual, this one here runs for roughly an (slightly under) as they do most of the time. The director is Wolfgang Eissler and the script comes from Gabriele Kreis. While I like some of these films, even love one or two, this one here stays very underwhelming sadly. I am not sure if it is the fault of the filmmakers or of the original work by the Brothers Grimm, but this one never succeed really from any perspective. The most known cast member Dieter Hallervorden is completely wasted and all his character does is scream once every 10 minutes basically. Karina Fallenstein, also somewhat known here in Germany, is equally wasted. Nothing to her character at all. The young male protagonist is played by Carlo Ljubek and he is pretty forgettable having pretty much the same face expression for the entire film (when his character isn't sleeping). And still he is better than his co-lead Inez Bjørg David, who proves once again that talent-wise she never should have made it past soap opera fame, and certainly not into lead performances. I may be a bit biased here as I did not find her very attractive and that's a negative deal breaker in a princess movie, but honestly I am positive all the other princess actresses could not have given equally forgettable performances if they had been cast for Amanda here, who with IBD's approach to the character feels really unlikable and I kept wondering what Ljubek would see in her at all throughout the entire film. The story is also really shoddy. It takes until halfway into the movie at least to understand what is going on. Probably not the Grimm's brightest moment, but also not for the people working on this one here. I was glad it did not reach the 1-hour-mark and give it a thumbs-down. 4 stars out of 10 is still fairly generous. Not recommended.

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