Diamond Dogs
Diamond Dogs
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
Diamond Dogs Trailers

"Diamond Dogs" is the story of a group of American fortune hunters, who come to China looking for a long-lost-treasure. During the Soviet crack-down on religion in the 1930's, a priceless Buddhist artifact, a Tangka was taken across the border to China and hidden in the mountains. The diamonds alone, decorating this huge gold-inlaid textile, are thought to be worth $50 million. The fortune hunters


Disturbing yet enthralling

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Mehdi Hoffman

There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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On paper it seems like a not bad idea for a movie. Dolph Lundgren searching for a forgotten artifact ? Lundgren in an adventure movie ? Sure it wouldn't be as great as Indiana Jones movies , but it could be a fun little movie.When I finally saw the movie I discovered that watching the lame Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser would be more fun. At least they had PRODUCTION VALUES. It's something that you won't find here. The whole movie looks so bad , so cheap that it's a wonder that someone bothered to make it in the first place. The way it is photographed makes it look like a bad amateur movie. The camera just can't stay focused, which can make the viewing experience very annoying.The script is terrible. The title of the movie doesn't have anything to do with the story. At the end of the movie Lundgren's character is in the same place as in the beginning of the movie – a true sign of bad writing. There are cheesy voice overs explaining what is going on. The plot itself is very thin and almost non existent.The whole movie is just a one big time waster. There are MANY scenes that are a filler , just to kill some screen time – people walking longer than necessary , talking longer than necessary… It's like the movie makers didn't believed in their own movie. There is very little action and the action itself is very poor , even for a B-class movie.The acting is horrible , especially William Shriver as the main villain. He's got a squeaky little voice and a puny figure. How he can be a good villain ?! Dolph Lundgren and Nan Yu are trying to act , but they can't win with the horrible screenplay. It's interesting that they later made "Expendables 2" together.Greed always makes everyone lose. It's a good moral , but it's not enough to justify the existence of this crap. Better watch „The treasure of Sierra Madre". I give it 1/10.

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DIAMOND DOGS, a Canadian production shot in China with a Chinese crew and supporting cast, is Dolph Lundgren's worst movie yet - and that's saying something, given that he's starred in a fair few trashy movies. It's an almost plot less, badly written and atrociously-directed story about a group of treasure seekers searching for an ancient artifact in a forgotten tomb.What this ends up as is a mind-numbing series of three or four jeeps driving around some barren location interspersed with scenes of Lundgren killing some derivative bad guy soldiers. The direction is notably appalling, with so many scenes shot into the sun so that the whole frame is filled with glare and you can't see the actors, and the action is bad even by B-movie standards; there's not one moment of excitement here.Lundgren proves a strong physical presence as always but his character is underwritten as are the rest. Nan Yu as the female lead/love interest comes off the best and it's interesting to note her appearance here after she later teamed up with the star in THE EXPENDABLES 2. Bad guy duties are filled by IN HELL's Raicho Vasilev who has equally little to work with.

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diamond dogs is not a rubbish movie it isn't, its just a big step down from dolph's other work of late, it seems like it's not as good as it supposed to be and at times the low budget shows, as a direct to DVD movie its OK stuff and dolph lundgren kicks ass at times, but there was just something about diamond dogs that i found cheesy maybe the movie would of been much better with a bigger budget, but as it stands now it just seems like it wasen't the movie it was supposed to be but what they could do with what they had, there are many worse action movies out there and there are many dolph films that are worse than this but there are also much better ones too, now if you want a solid dolph lundgren action pic watch the mechanik, missionary man, joshua tree, blackjack, silent trigger

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A low budget, badly acted film............ everything about this film is poorly staged, wooden acting by C list actors and unbelievable settings, I'm still watching this as I write........... OMG so awful.What more can I say, the scenes do not fit together....The 'escape' scenes well, simply not believable.Best line ... He's dead (immediately pull sheet over head LOL)I'm still cringing as I write this, if second graders presented this as a home movie I would expect better acting (and sets :) )Please, let me write this comment without having to make up ten lines about a film that doesn't even deserve one!!!!!Even if you are desperate to watch a film, don't bother with this - paint a wall and watch it dry or sit in the garden and watch grass grow, so much more entertaining :))

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