Devils of War
Devils of War
| 01 January 2013 (USA)
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Poland, 1944. Assembled for a top-secret rescue mission, a daring team of Special Forces soldiers quickly find themselves trapped deep behind enemy lines.


Lack of good storyline.

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What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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There's a lot to hate about this film. It's cheap, there's too much bad CGI, the director is obviously a big fan of Tarantino style post modernism, but then again, there's a lot of action, and the film most definitely is tongue in cheek. People reviewing this have scoffed at the girl with a camera jammed between her boobs, squeezing them together to get a picture. Here's a thought: It was probably a joke to begin with.What you have is four GIs sent over to Europe to rescue an undercover agent who's there to spy on some Nazi occult goings on. There's the ex-priest, the good guy, the redneck racist and the Ghost Dog style black GI with a samurai sword. They all make their way to the Nazi base, where Claudia, the undercover agent, is working.This film (including the soundtrack) is a huge homage to seventies and eighties films (but not Nazisploitation films as noted by another reviewer). Someone else here thought the 'girl on a bike' effect was hilarious but it's a clear copy of Tarantino's same thing from Pulp Fiction.And that's the problem with the film: There's too much by way of Tarantino's 'Grindhouse' influences, with the ageing of the film and such like. But then again, no one bores you for twenty minutes with a soliloquy about black widow spiders (I hate that crap!).Then again, the soundtrack is spot on, with it sounding like a mix of Ennio Morricone and Tangerine Dream. I choose to accept there's a huge amount of irony in this film, and kind of enjoyed it (I'm beginning to think even the CGI was used ironically).Maybe I'm just in a good mood. Watch it or not, I don't care.

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Utter garbage ! if u don't understand the German history from 1933-1945 keep your finger away from this ! Some Hollywood's propaganda media products are PURE GARBAGE and just lied to you and your children will be sadly learning a wrong historical fact. As a human being, Hitler came to power to establish the prosperity and improve the German labor skills (historical facts). If the Nazis should have created a super monster in this film, they would have won the war !! Sadly the idiots will enjoy this movie so much ! the special effects look like something from an 70's film. Despite the poor script some actors try and some don't one German soldier has a terrible accent and may as way stay silent. Watch out spoiler: black - man, dumb voluptous silicon blondie woman who works as a spion, 5 negative stars, unappetite/disgusting

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Take one Tarantino fanboy/film school dropout director, some WW2 re-enactors armed with airsoft replica firearms, two washed up bimbo strippers, a couple of B movie stuntmen/actors and a few of the director's geek buddies as assorted Nazis and Satanists. Add some horrible CGI backdrops, airplanes, front projection scenes and bullet hits and a cheezy misplaced spaghetti western synthesizer soundtrack, guzzle it all down and puke it up and you get Devils of War. This is not worth 75 minutes of your life. Leave it in the Redbox and go into WalMart buy a decent WW2 movie in the 5 buck bin. This makes the cheapest 70s exploitation war movie you ever watched look like cinematic gold by comparison. Ugly, stupid and cheap.

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You know when you start to watch a film and you wonder 'Will this be so bad that its good?' the answer to that is NO it is just BAD. The premise of the film could have worked as it is common knowledge that the Nazi party were interested in the occult. The problem is that there is so much wrong with this film,they send in a 'special' group of soldiers dressed in German uniforms so they do not stand out but then have one of the men black,oh yes the German army was well known for the amount of black troops they had and they even mention how stupid it is in the film. I am sorry but this really did seem like it was written by a 14 year old boy (hence the 2 women with large breasts) the special effects were a joke half the time (the back projection during the spy on the motorbike and the toy plane). The only thing that this film has going for it is that you can watch it to spot all the mistakes and add them on IMDb.

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